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OK.. let me first say that I HATE MY SCALE!! Actually I love it..
it's a FitBit Aria! Great scale.. however, it didn't move at all this week!!! Grrrrrr
Now that I have vented... I have been having pain in my left heel for the past several weeks.. worse after walking, etc... so I have my foot a 3 day break.. no exercise Tues, Wed, Thurs... went for a 4.3 mile walk this morning, ended up limping the last 1 1/2 miles (still improved my time!!
!)... and then, after sitting for 10-15 minutes, cannot put any weight on it!
I have iced it, and iced it, and again.. and can finally at least limp around, but it's very painful! I put a call into my ortho, and made an appt for Tuesday morning..
I'll post what I learn then. Thinking after some internet searching, that I will have to stay off my foot for a few weeks..... which is NOT good for my weight loss goals AND half-marathon training. At least I have time... the marathon is May 4th.. so I have time to recover and get back to training.
We shall see!!
I know that I will get on my scale tomorrow and see it move, but it's frustrating that it didn't move for my "official" weigh-in! Grr
Sorry to hear about your foot. Hope is nothing major.
In case you can't walk - stationary bike, swimming, or upper body exercise can work. If you developed a spur - a special insert for your show may work.
As for the scale - you knew that the body will catch up with what you trying to d and resent you for that. But the size will keep shrinking - and eventually the scale will follow.
Keep plugging along
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
I love the gadget part of my scale and the technology it's the cold hard reality that it flashes in my face that I have a problem with too. Just remember that the scale only shows us one aspect of our health.
Hopefully the foot thing won't be too serious and you'll be back in training mode in no time at all. It doesn't sound pleasant at all.
I'm not sure if it's the cooler weather we're having this weekend, the iron infusion, a bit healthier eating this week or just what but DANG I am productive today. lol.....Haircuts for me & the Girl. Grocery shopping. A few more school supplies for the Boy and some extra project type supplies to have on hand. Laundry. Dishes are done (even unloaded the dishwasher & cleaned it out). Dusting is done (Least favorite chore). Floors have been swept and spot cleaned. Kitchen mopped. Bathrooms are sparkling. Bed linens changed. Closet purged of off size clothes & some that fit that haven't been worn in recent history.
I've got a couple more things I want to accomplish this afternoon and then I'm going to fire up my nook and read a book. (or 2!!) I've got 3 brown and wilted tomato plants that are on the deck that have got to go. They've produced like crazy this summer but now they're looking like great decorations for an over the hill party. A few more loads of laundry to wash, fold and put away. Then I want to do a jewelry organizer/display thing that I've seen on pinterest using a large frame, ribbon and some lace. Finally I've got 2 chickens thawing that I think will get roasted for dinner with some roasted onion soup mix potatoes, fresh corn on the cob and some green beans from the neighbors garden. YUM!
So that's what I've done on my day off. Most all of it has kept me out of the kitchen and away from the pantry.
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
Damn girl!! You can come to my house any time and be "productive"! Lol I have days like that, but they are far and few between... and usually when I am alone! When my DH goes on a trip, or such... and I have a few days to myself, I go through my house like "Grant through Richmond"! My DH uses that phrase all the time and I'm not even sure what it means! LOL Not a history buff..
Today is going to be "productive" as DH and I are going to re-seal our driveway. Oh, joy! LOL At least it isn't super hot out~!