Back On Track Together
Need help getting back on track
Hi everyone. I'm Terri Beth and my RNY was performed on 12/17/2008. I lost right at 100 lbs. and now I'm returning to old habits; emotional eating, snacking. So far I have packed on about 35, maybe 40 lbs. and I see my success slipping away. Because I have been eating junk, I crave junk. I sit at my desk at work and feel that I have to have something to snack on. I know this is wrong. I was taught when I began this journey that if it went in my mouth, it was considered a meal. I feel lost and know that I have let myself and my husband down. I don't even know where to begin at this point. Would someone be willing to offer some advice? God bless you all. are me!!! I took control of my living last year...but i did it in steps. 1..stopped smoking 6 months later 2 stopped diet pepsi when to Crystal Light 1 month later 3 Drinking only water. Gave myself about 5 months of those 3 changes until I was sure it had all "stuck".
Step 4, ate at meals, only healthy foods, no more fried, high sugar etc...did that for 2 months then the big one Step 5 began to measure and count all food that went in my mouth. A nutritional website stated to take your current weight times 12 and then knock off 1000 calories to loose 2 lbs per week....250 x 12 -1000 = 3000, that's 3000 calories that I could eat DAILY!! I did that for a month and you will be surprised just how much food that is. Good quality food! The next step was to cut to 1300 calories per day, continuing to measure and log all food but I through in walking.
You will be surprised after you give yourself time after each step that the mind does reset. I found that measuring and logging my food it kept my mind focused on my goal. Which is to LIVE TO LIVE!
I also did not weigh myself or worry about the esthetics of me until 3 months ago...that was the first day I really got on the scale..and I get on the scale daily, way more than twice a day because I have to keep my struggle in my FACE. When I do make a misstep, I don't beat myself up about it...I just say, "well don't wanna do that again"....and move on! I concentrate all on the I have done right!!
Soooo, I hope you will keep on trying and focus on the positive and what you do have control.
Hi Terri Beth:
Deb has given you excellent advice. You already know the devil in you diet. Get rid of the bad junk and substitute good carbs instead. Make changes one at a time until they become habit again. Journal your food and see who the real enemy is. Every change you make is one step closer to where you want to be. Come here daily and see what everybody else is eating to get some ideas. Glad to have you on board.

Tigs is absolutely on track with her suggestion of using the 5 day pouch test, Terri Beth. I used it too, and have not looked back at a bad carb in over 3 months. And yes, starting at 35-40 lbs IS much better than regaining the lot and trying to lose all over again. You've made the first step already in recognizing the problem, the potential for even bigger problems ahead, and wanting to correct it now. So pat yourself on the back for reaching out for help, and best wishes to you.