Back On Track Together
Friday, April 12th, Cardio & Cafe
Good Friday Morning Botts:
Did I tell you how much I love Fridays? I do love the end of the weekend so that I can have two days off to recoup from the work week. I am sure everybody else does too. My eats for today are:
Breakfast: Coffee & Miralax
Snack: Protein Shake
Lunch: Quest Brownie Bar
Snack: Protein Shake
Dinner: Quest Brownie Bar
Snack: Protein Shake
I am trying to kept that protein up around 120-140 a day until surgery. Got to get those healing muscle to work. Have a great day and don't forget about those vits and fluids.
I'm so hoping that this rain we're getting is washing away some of the pollen out there. It was THICK yesterday. My poor little white car is some bizarre greenish brown color. Everyone that I know is having allergy issues.
I won't even kid's been a long week. I'm so thankful it's Friday (finally). I'm headed out to dinner with my 3 best friends from highschool. Then back to one of their houses for a bonfire and drinks.
I've got the morning vitamins and daily meds in already. Working on big glass #2 of decaf iced tea. So far it's a great day and I'm not expecting it to change.
Commute: Coffee
Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with cheese
snack: snack pack of dry roasted almonds
Lunch: Salad with grilled chicken & wheat thins
snack: apple w/ peanut butter
Dinner: Fish Tacos, GREAT guacamole & a sangria-rita (tortilla chips)
lns: 2 glasses of muscato & goat cheese w/figs & rosemary
It's a heavier day than I would normally do ---in part because of the alcohol but this is my celebration with the girls for my birthday last month. They asked about doing a cake and that's when I asked for the bottle of wine and bonfire instead. they all agreed it was a much beer idea than cake. I know what I'm eating and drinking so I am holding myself accountable to my plan. I got this!!!
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
Wow I should start proofreading before I hit submit. The tortilla chips are with the guacamole. We agreed that it would be a BETTER idea than cake ---not a beer idea. Freudian slip perhaps for tonight's bonfire?? I imagine there will be beer consumed but not by this chick. I never did like it.
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
Muscato wine have a lot of sugar - I found that the hard way when I got very severe RH after drinking just one glass. Be careful with that one.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
Early Morning: 2 cups coffee w/SF hazelnut creamer
B: Unjury protein shake
S: banana
L: beef pot roast, potatoes, carrots, apple
S: Unjury protein shake
D: ?
S: ?
TOTALS: So far…795 Calories, 91g Protein. 665 calories left in my budget for dinner tonight.
Friday night is always date night for my wonderful husband and me. I don't know where we are going yet but I usually do pretty good and practice good portion control so no worries about that. Everyone have a blessed weekend!

B protein coffee
S none
L romaine with chicken, tried a delicious recipe for lemon garlic dressing
S SF pudding with scoop of protein powder
D steak with sautéed onions and mushrooms, some mon-starchy vegetable
S quest bar, strawberries
I've done 48 ounces fluids and will do at least 48 more, morning vitamins done. Still logging everything into Myfitnesspal pal and wearing my FitBit
Euww, last night sucked. I didn't feel any particular emotions, but ate dinner twice. Mucho calories, stomach ache, chills. What a dope I am.
Or...what a dope I was. Surely tonight I will be more conscious of my actions.
The plan for today:
B: coffee and boiled egg
L: Yogurt
S: Fruit and pro shake
D: Chicken breast, veggies
S: ? I plan on protein cocoa. It's really very good, and if I would just make the cuppa before I start grabbing food like a maniac, it would satisfy me, I think. Also oatmeal with oat bran and blueberries. Gee...oatmeal and cocoa--all I lack is a binky and a lullaby.
On the upside, I got in all my supplements and meds there's that.
I'm still on the liquid diet, so this is mine.
B: SF jell-o
12oz of calorie countdown milk to take my pills/vitamins (must take with food)
L: SF jell-o and 8oz of tomato soup made with milk
(a few ice pops, a Monster Rehab energy drink, and at least 48oz of crystal light up to this point)
D: Either the other half of the soup or it'll be more SF jell-o.
After dinner: Another 12 oz of calorie countdown milk to take my pills/vitamins (must take with food)
I am sure I will have at least 2 more bottles of water before the end of the night too.
Good evening, BOTT friends,
Going to hang out at the fishing pier for awhile tonight since the thunderstorm forecast hasn't materialized. Wish I could actually fish, but can't do any pulling, so it'll just be fun to be out there watching, smelling the salty bay and rooting for anyone who hooks one.
I did get back to my recumbent bike workout this afternoon, doing 36 minutes and covering 4.5 miles. No back pain to speak of...just still a little sore from all the needles yesterday.
Got most of my water in, and will continue during the night. Today I ate:
B: protein bar, 1/2 oz natural almonds
L: KFC grilled chicken (1/2 breast and 1/2 thigh) skin removed, 1 c sauteed green beans
S: apple slices
S: sliced cucumber with vinegar, S&P
D: 6 oz lean beef burger on sandwich thin with mustard, 1 tbsp ketchup, 2 tsps pickle relish, 1/3 c jardiniere vegs
Hope everyone has a great start to their weekend on this Friday night. If anyone does, Iris will ;)