Back On Track Together
Roo's Tip for Today
I have been asked to share some "food coping" strategies I had learned,that I now need to relearn myself. Hence the first of my installments 
#1 : Question why are you eating, before you get your food. Why? Am I physically hungry? This thought is more involved then just saying yes or no. Do I show true physical signs of hunger? (stomach growling, stomach acid; mild headache; weakness; lightheaded; dry mouth--the body's signals it needs food) If the answer is yes, then ask Does it make logical sense to feel hungry? Has enough time lapsed since your last meal? Have you drank enough to ensure you are not thirsty (believe it or not, the body sends very similar signals for both hunger and thirst--if you drink a cup of water and still feel physically hungry after 10 minutes--then it is true hunger) What am I hungry for? Not always, but many times your body will crave a certain type of food. Then eat. However, if you find that you have true physical hunger more often than you should, you may want to explore other reasons you aren't staying satiated like getting enough protein, or making sure there isn't an acid issue going on.
That's enough for now, I'll post another tip later on.

#1 : Question why are you eating, before you get your food. Why? Am I physically hungry? This thought is more involved then just saying yes or no. Do I show true physical signs of hunger? (stomach growling, stomach acid; mild headache; weakness; lightheaded; dry mouth--the body's signals it needs food) If the answer is yes, then ask Does it make logical sense to feel hungry? Has enough time lapsed since your last meal? Have you drank enough to ensure you are not thirsty (believe it or not, the body sends very similar signals for both hunger and thirst--if you drink a cup of water and still feel physically hungry after 10 minutes--then it is true hunger) What am I hungry for? Not always, but many times your body will crave a certain type of food. Then eat. However, if you find that you have true physical hunger more often than you should, you may want to explore other reasons you aren't staying satiated like getting enough protein, or making sure there isn't an acid issue going on.
That's enough for now, I'll post another tip later on.