Back On Track Together
Back From The Land of the Lost
I do not know if anyone remembers me. The past year and a half have been particularly stressful; to which I met with my old dealing technique: eating. I am heavier than I have been since having my surgery 5 years ago. I need to lose 30 lbs. to get back to my maintenance weight. Today is day two. It is amazing how often I feel like eating, but stop to question if I'm physically hungry; and I'm not. So, out comes the old / new coping strategies that I learned from my behavior specialist years ago. I found the food to be instant comfort; the new tools, though work at first, offer a long term, more stable answer. so comfort for a moment; or a process that brings an answer. k--I'll learn this again.
Rhonda Roo
Rhonda Roo
RNY on 04/06/12
Hi Rhonda, and welcome back. I've only been a member of this site since Feb, but it is definitely the place to be since most everyone shares (or has shared) in the same struggle to lose the re-gain.
Your strategies would be a welcome addition, as each one of us has something to add to the group as a whole. Looking forward to hearing what they are, and possibly, putting some of them to action myself.
Oh, guys, thou knowest not what thee asketh.
It is not so simple to put a year's worth of therapy visits into a condensed summary.--and what may ring true and works for me may not fit you, your lifestyle, your individual personality etc. Plus, I am no-where near being an authority figure on this subject matter. However, what's say I share a little bit here and there each day, more for my own accountability? I share it under "Roo's Tip For Today" --K?
It is not so simple to put a year's worth of therapy visits into a condensed summary.--and what may ring true and works for me may not fit you, your lifestyle, your individual personality etc. Plus, I am no-where near being an authority figure on this subject matter. However, what's say I share a little bit here and there each day, more for my own accountability? I share it under "Roo's Tip For Today" --K?