Back On Track Together
Tuesday, March 12th, Cardio and Cafe
Good Morning Botts:
I believe we are going to get a little sunshine in my neck of the woods today. Not warm but bright. I really need the sunlight. (poetic huh?) My eats for today are still high protein for detoxing my system.
Breakfast: Coffee & Miralax
Snack: Protein Shake
Lunch: Protein Bar
Snack: Protein Shake
Dinner: Protein Bar
Snack: Protein Pudding
I got to go and do my civic duty tonight at a planning committee meeting so whatever exercise I get will be running around today on job sites. Have a great Tuesday and remember to keep taking your vitamins and drinking plenty of fluids.
P.S. My son told me the Gelato was amazing and so was the "real" pizza. He is in Florence exploring today and going to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa this afternoon.
Guess what? It's RAINING. AGAIN. erggggghhhhhh...I feel like my life is about to become an episode of swamp people. Everytime our street gets just about dried out comes another one. (Yes, I still live on a dirt road!) Other than that small complaint....I'm good.
Commute: Coffee
Breakfast: Oatmeal w/ cinnamon & pumpkin pie spice
Lunch: Tuna salad on flat bread
Dinner: Breakfast for dinner (Western omelettes)
Dessert: Chocolate protein smoothie
Going to have to walk inside afterwork today. Getting that Decaf iced tea in as I type. The morning vitamins and daily meds are taken care of. Just gotta remember that dose at bedtime. Hope everyone is having agreat day.
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
The snow is really coming down tonight again!!!! Spring is in 9 days??? Mother nature must have forgotten to turn off the snow making machine. Tri
B: plain Greek yogurt 80
S: tortilla chips and cheese 250
L: beef stew 400
S: flour tortilla, veggies and cheese 350
D: veggie soup, salad, ham/rf cheese roll and a grapefruit 260
S: peanut chewy protein bar and 2 clementines 270

We expect snow tomorrow, rats it finally got dry enough to walk without falling on the ice from the snow, then rain, then now last couple months. I have been fighting my iPad so I haven't posted as it goes nuts after I type it all up, so I reset the blessed thing and we will try again!
breakfast was 2 scrambled eggs in pam
snack was Starbucks venti cappuccino - I am seriously addicted, could drive me nuts because I'd like to drop it because there is a lot of calories in there I really don't need but I get the shakes just thinking bout it, but I digress!
lunch 3oz Greek hickey, 1/4 potatoe, baked plain with a crumbled of feta, maybe a tbsp worth
snack was another SB cappuccino decaf.....then sigh....a handful of those Easter eggs, the mini Cadbury ones, darn things, love em but they gave me the worst stomached ache, why do I do it?
Dinner was a rush, so I met my hubby at Wendy's I had a couple bites of his brocoli cheese potatoe as I still don't feel ggreat snack later was ten pistachio unshelled.
Good evening BOTT friends,
Tess, I am loving the Quest bars! I take small bites, and the texture is such that they last awhile. They have really come in handy since I try to cook all my meals, and I get behind sometimes which makes for a long time between meals. So I can grab one as a meal replacement when I need to.
I know, I know... I hear "why don't you cook a batch of food and divvy it up"? I do, when it's chili or dishes with sauce, but my fish, burgers and roasted vegs have to be made right before I eat them. But I'm cooking for one, so it's no hassle. Today I ate:
B: protein bar
S: 1/2 dill pickle
L: 5 oz burger (no bun) with grilled onions, mushrooms and cherry tomatoes
S: protein bar
D: leftover braised pork chop with onions, peppers, mushrooms and 1/2 cup green beans
Hope everyone had a pleasant day, and sweet dreamzzzz!