Back On Track Together
Anymore Takers on the 5 Day Pouch Test beginning Monday, March 11th? Get Ready...
Please join us in doing the 5 Day Pouch Test beginning Monday, March 11th.
This is for an EMERGENCY situation - when "out of control" to get back to "normal"
Do the 5 Day as written!
--NO calorie restriction
--AVOID pursuing perfection
--DON'T focus on scale
All the information you need is here - read thoroughly -
and it would be a great idea to watch Kaye Bailey's videos on You tube.
You should prepare your soup (delicious & packed with protein) and protein jello over the weekend if you have a busy schedule during the week.
Kaye says something like and it is so not a direct quote - YOU had your guts hacked and YOU signed up for this for life!
What happens beyond day 5
Following the rules that we should have stuck post-op to if we strayed
-Protein First
-Water - at least 64oz and stay close to the 30/30 rule
-No Snacking - or smart planned snacking GOODBYE SLIDERS - pretzels, crackers . . .
Beyond Day 5 will get interesting but lets do the 5 day first and detox off of the carbs and get clarity with our bodies.
Talk to you soon!
Hi Layla
I noticed that Dr. Roslin did your surgery. I actually have never met him but he headed up the Restore trial that I participated in, in Wisconsin. I never felt restriction after surgery (too large a pouch, too large a stoma) and they tried to fix it. I ate full liquids for months and lost some weight, but as soon as I started eating a general diet the "staples" didn't hold. What I did get out of it was a wonderful diet. I can follow it even with no stoma. I have lost 5 lbs. since January 31st (I am not perfect but keep working on it) and plan on continuing to a modified goal weight. It is basically 2 to 3 (I eat 3) servings protein, whole grain starch, fruit, veggie and dairy. I made out food record sheets with the food exchange followed by 3 dots to fill in (protein 000, fruit 000 etc. Then I fill in the dot after eating an exchange.
I recently (on vacation) talked to a vacationing dietitian. She recommended moving 6 times a day. I am trying to fulfill and "evercise 6 pack". Perhaps I need to add those "dots" to my dot diet sheet as well...hmmmm!
Next time you see Dr. Roslin give him a hug from me. I am the Triathlon lady in Wisconsin. He helped me more than any other doctor even though he is 1000 miles away and I never met him. Without his help, many years ago, I now would easily weight 300 lbs. I still see the study dietitian who is really good as well.
Thanks, Tri