Back On Track Together
Wednesday, February 27th, Cardio & Cafe
I think I did pretty good yesterday... I didn't stick to the menu I wrote down above... for lunch I only had a ham roll up and dinner was the proudest moment (I went to eat out and no chips pasted my lips) had pork chops smothered in onion/salsa and beans (no tortillas or chips) ooo and I didn't drink any liquids until 30 min after I ate... 1 down!!
ok but on the down side ..I have a huge headache from not eating carbs lol ... ok day 2 come right up
it's cold and gloomy here too, last night coming home from my sis's house it was aning, snowing and sleeting, miserabe driving. My sister made stuffed chicken breast, mashed taters, noodle and veggie salad and corn, carrot and green bean mix for veggies, corn muffins with homemade cream puffs for desert, delicious but a carbohydrate nightmare to say the least. I'm not going to deny that I ate a little of everything and of course all I wanted to do was eat all night, but I didn't. So I'm going to bake some chicken for lunch and pretend like yesterday never happened, ha ha! My eats:
B: 2 eggs, cheese and salsa
S: 1 cup cottage cheese with salsa
L: chicken with salad and lite italian and slice of pepperjack
D: pork chops, roasted broccoli with parm
S: if I need one a light and fit greek yogurt
going to do 20 minutes exercise at snap this afternoon
Have a wonderful day everyone!

Good Morning. Is the sun ever going to shine again in the South? Raining, cold, windy...just plain damp and miserable. Thank goodness I feel better than I did last week. I love seeing how busy the board was yesterday. It's crazy at work this week so I can't get on as much as I'd like or reply to a bunch of the posts. Congratulations to everyone who's making the effort to get back on track. WE CAN DO THIS!!!
I have a new wrinkle in my family stress ---my 88 year old Aunt. She's getting more and more fragile with each passing week. It breaks my heart to watch her health and mental faculties decline. She has never married. Has no children. I'm her only family ---at least that's what she tells everyone. I'm trying to keep her in her home for as long as I possibly can because she has an old dog and the 2 of them are inseparable. It would kill both of them to be separated. So I've got my son on a daily schedule of taking her breakfast. Meals on wheels does lunch. A nurses aide will be coming twice a week for bathing and hygiene. Then I come in with dinner and an evening visit. For now that it'll work but I'm still stressing over the responsibility. I think I'm going to have to change around my YMCA schedule to accommodate a morning workout and maybe a mid day walk during the week. I'm hoping the increased exercise will keep the stress eating at bay. I think it may be time to decrease my caffeine consumption as well.
Eats for the day:
commute: Protein Bar & cup of coffee
Breakfast: Protein Bar
Lunch: Grilled Chicken Salad
snack: Fresh Fruit and almonds
Dinner: Pork Roast, kale and beets ( leftovers from Moma's ----YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Thanks for listening to me ramble. - Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
Good morning tessa and Botts.
It is also cold here but sunny so far. Don't think that will last. This morning I am going to run some errands and pack for my trip to Louisiana tomorrow afternoon. This afternoon we go to the rodeo. I love the livestock show but I will miss a lot of it this year, I have to be in Louisiana this weekend and again next week for a longer period of time to take my mom to the doctor. She may need surgery on her eye. she is diabetic and has bleeding behind her retina. Not good. By the time I get back there will only be a few days of the show left. I will get to see the sheep dog trials and the mule pulls and their speed events but I will be missing some of my favorite competitions. Oh well there is always next year.
my eats for the day
same ole same ole
breakfast protein shake
snack pudding
lunch soup
snack protein bar
dinner protein shake
Good evening botts
Wisconsin wa**** with the worst snow storm in 2 years. Heavy wet snow that just kept falling and piling up. Not as bad as Kansas but plenty to snow plow and shovel. Our crews do a wonderful job keeping the free way system open. Side streets take a little longer but I have 4WD and allow extra time for travel. Everything is plowed out this evening and I am really looking forward to spring.
B: turkey/rf cheese and 1 slice whole wheat bread 170
S: veggie soup, salad and pork tenderloin 250
L: chicken breast, shrimp and rice 250
S: peanut chewy protein bar and grapefruit 280
D: cheeseburger, salad, veggie soup and 1/2 brownie 700