Back On Track Together
Monday, February 25th, Cardio & Cafe
Good Morning Botts:
I made it through day three with no problem and have loss 7 lbs. I am in my Happy Place. I think I will do this a few more days just so I can get a lower cushion. My eats for today are:
Breakfast: Coffee & Miralax
Snack: Protein Shake
Lunch: Protein Shake
Snack: Protein Shake
Dinner: Quest Brownie Bar
Snack: Quest Brownie Bar
Exercise: Walking
Have an awesome start to the week. My son has Science Fair today and we spent the weekend working on his project with him. I think it Rocks! Don't forget your vits and fluids today.
I finally feel human again. YEAH!!!! That was the first head cold I've had in years. Hopefully it'll be a long. long time before I have another. I spent most of the weekend in bed just trying to recoup.
I've got my vitamins for the morning in. Working on the decaf iced tea. My gym bag is packed and sitting under my desk so I'm visually reminded every time I move around my cubicle. I AM GOING TO THE YMCA TODAY!! There will be no whining or excuses. I'm very unhappy with my scales this morning. I'm going to rationalize it as being sick for a week and needing a balanced diet (less sodium rich soup) More leafy greens to move things along and lots of water.
Todays eats:
Commute: Strawberry Protein Bar followed by a HUGE coffee with splenda & ff french vanilla
Breakfast: Scrambled eggs
snack: Fruit salad with vanilla protein mixed in with a sf vanilla pudding as the base
Lunch: Weigh****chers frozen entree
snack: The rest of the Fruit Salad
Dinner: Chili & Salad
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
Tess congratulations of losing the weight. Way to go!!
I am doing quite well.. Well beside that I had almost whole bottle of wine on Saturday... got a "bit" drank and went to sleep promptly at 10:30... while my BF stay up till 1...
But as my excuse - I was so tired of the belly pains... and when I drink wine I can eat and don't feel the pain.. lol.. and if I do - I don't care... I got really "clean"on Saturday... when I ate I had to run to the bathroom... but as a result - I was fine after I ate semi - normal food on Sunday. I had 2 real meals... and no pain... (with no wine... lol) so maybe things are turning around? not sure.
But because of the wine or the food or because we worked so hard on Sunday on the rental house ... My weight was up 2 lbs ... I am still within my weight "range"but there I was hoping I can lose 5-10 lbs... So back to the program..
eats today
coffee w/ coconut milk
protein pancake
meat and veggie soup... (will add fax meat to make it thicker)
yogurt with proteins
protein shake
meatloaf with spicy mushroom sauce and pickles...
of course vits and water...
Lately I am trying to go to bed and get 7-8 hrs of sleep. I am trying to be in bed by 9:30 10 and turn off my light at 10:30 -11. My cat and I develop a routine.. I get ready - get in my bed - surround myself with pillows, turn on my TV and turn off the light... That's a signal for my cat that we are going to sleep... She usually comes right away - and gives me a belly rub (a cat belly rub) then settles either on me or part on me - part on a pillow beside me. I eat less that way (no snacking late at night) I am also in a better mood during the day...
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
Thanks so much! Hey, if the wine works do it! I am doing the same thing on sleep. I have been going to bed between 9:30 to 10:00 and cutting the TV off by 10:30 pm to get more sleep. I feel better when I do. My boss's dog passed away this morning and I feel like it was my dog. This dog has been at the work office with me for the pass 5 years and has had numerous sleepovers when my boss and his wife are out of town. This morning I went around picking up chew bones, water bowls, and sleeping pillows. I have a stack of food that I am going to give to the humane society. We are sad here today but SEP (dog) had a long life and would have been 18 years old in June.
So sorry to hear about the Dog. My Black lab passed away this summer and I'm still not quite adjusted to the loss (even with another Dog in the house). I'm sure the Humane society will appreciate the donation.
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
Losing a dog you were close to is hard. I was in similar situation.. the coworker got another dog. I refuse to get close to it now. And I will not dog sit for them. I also request that he keeps the dog in his offce if he brings him here. It is a very sweet dog .. so it is hard not to like him, but I will try not to get too close to him. (HUGS)
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
Good morning
I spent Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at Reliant Arena watching cutting horse competitions. The finals are today as is the first day of Rodeo. I will not be able to see the finals as Monday's are my weigh-in days at my doctor's office. I am not optimistic about the weigh-in. I had a 6 pound gain from early morning to mid afternoon due to fluid retention a few days ago. I lost most of it after taking a lassix but sitting in the arena with my legs dangling has me a little swollen again for the first time since starting this food plan. Also it wasl impossible to eat my food plan at the rodeo because my doctor's office ran out of my bars and you can't make soup or pudding at the arena. I was very careful with what I ate and did not go over my calorie limits but I know the salt content was more than I usually eat. I usually loose 2 pounds a week but I will be very happy if I maintained this week.
Today's eats
breakfast protein shake
snack pudding
lunch soup
snack and dinner will be at the rodeo so hopefully my doc will have the bars today if not I will have no snack and whatever is healthiest at the rodeo.
Today I went to Snap for the first time in about a month and did 7 minutes on the ellipical an 13 on the treadmill. Hey, it's a start, I have to go easy on the knees or I won't be able to move for a couple days if I overdue too much. So I'm easing back into it. Plus I went to the grocery store afterwards and I'm counting that. I'm crocheting a baby blanket for my niece, is that considered cardio?
My eats today are:
B: eggs, cheese, salsa,
S: light and fit greek yogurt
L: eggs, cheese and salsa
D: BLT salad w/smoked turkey and light ranch
S: maybe some more turkey and cheese
plus coffees w/ ff creamr
vitamins and water
Have a good day all, it's actually sunny here today, not too cold either