Back On Track Together
Thursday, February 21th, Cardio & Cafe
Good Morning Botts:
My boss called me early this morning to pick up some items before I came to the office so I have been running and gunning since 6:30 AM. My scheduled eats for today are:
Breakfast: Coffee & Miralax
Snack: Quest Brownie Bar
Lunch: Quest Vanilla Almond Bar
Snack: Vitatop
Snack: PB & 2 Crackers
Dinner: Chili
Snack: NSA Ice Cream Bar
Exercise: 45 minutes on the treadmill at gym
It is very, very cold here this morning so I hope I can spend the rest of the day inside and not running around. Remember to take your vitamins and try to get in all your fluids.
The sun is shining here today but it's chilly and windy. Not sure if it's because I'm still nursing this cold, all the trips up and down the stairs yesterday or the approaching bad weather but my knees are aching today. This getting older stuff isn't for the faint of's a whole lot of aches and pains. I'm cutting back on the coffee today. In fact I've already switched over to my unsweet decaf iced tea for the day. I've got half the daily meds and vitamins in. Thankfully I seem to be getting on a manageable schedule.
Commute: Protein Bar then coffee with splenda and half and half
Breakfast: Cheese and crackers
snack: Banana
Lunch: Chili w/ beans
snack: Clic****d coffee
Dinner: Chicken & Dumplings (mainly broth) with deviled eggs
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
I just can not seem to get warm today either. They say as you get older that your skin thins out, well mine must be made of rice paper, I am in my office in front of my heater with a coat on. I feel like my bones are frozen and freezing the rest of me. At least when I had meat on my bones, I stayed a little bit warmer.
It's cold here too, I suppose the sun isn't clear the snow so I'll have to do it myself. I have to get out of the house if only for a little while, getting cabin fever.
Spring is coming, spring is coming, spring is coming...
My eats for today:
B: 2 eggs, slice of cheese and T. of salsa
S: 1 egg, 2 whites, grilled onions, 1/2 slice of cheese and T. salsa
L: open face tuna melt w/ tomato
D: not sure yet, going out
S: cheese and 3 saltines
Have a wonderful day friends!

It is a nice weather here today. The cold front you have - we may get it tomorrow. Not sure.
Starting today I decided to measure everything I eat and record my food intake for a week. All of it. So far so good. I do love myfitnesspal and their bar codes. So easy to use.
I am trying to limit my portions to 1 cup of food. I do measure it . It does not look like a lot of food. But surprisingly, if I eat it really slowly (typically I inhale the food) - that makes me full
I guess there is something good in any situation - even though I was miserable last week with a stomach virus, I like the new found feeling of restriction... 1 cup of Greek yogurt made me feel full. I only hope it will last for an hour (I added some proteins to it) Will see.
I was out of my B12 shots and decided not to wait for when I see my doc (in March) and ordered that online. The cost was close to 40 for 30mil, 1250mcg/ml bottle. But that price included shipping and all other items: syringes with needles, alcohol pads, and little bandages. Overall - great deal IMO specially when my insurance does not want to pay for the 30ml bottle. (BTW: since 3 years ago I realized that My B12 stays low even with high dosages of daily B12 sublinguals. So I switched to injections. Fisr I was getting them once a month, then once every 2 weeks. But eventually I realized that I felt the best with weekly B12. When my level drops below 800 I start feeling sluggish and more tired. And that is app around day 10 after injection (had it tested a few times) So now I get them every 7-10 days... When I get the shot too late - I can feel the effect of the B12 - extra energy, feeling warmer That is an idic.ation for me that I waited too long to get one. But when I just do them regularly - I can't tell the difference.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
Good evening BOTTs: It is very cold in Wisconsin also and we are expecting more snow. I am cold too, but spring will come before we know it. I couldn't get to the gym today again. They keep the gym and the pool pretty warm which makes my workout pleasant. I got on the scale today and am back to my before vacation weight. I need to pick up the pace a little so I will try to eat fewer calories more often. I have such a huge appetite though I can't stay under 1000 calories like you guys too many days in a row. Every day that I can though will pick the pace up a little. 'Til tomorrow night. Tri
B: egg beaters, reduced fat cheese, mushrooms and green onion 100
S: nsa raspberry pie 150
L: 1/2 chicken breast and veggies 200
S: grapefruit 80
D: 1/2 chicken breast and veggies 200
S: pure protein bar 200
I picked up the house, cleaned 1 bathroom and sang for 2 hours today.