Back On Track Together
hi to everyone!
I know it has been a while since I have checked in but I need support badly. I do have some good news. Hala, your recommendation of the heme iron (Enzymatic Therapy) is the first iron that has gotten my levels up quickly. My hemaglobin was over 14 on my last test! Now, granted my ferritin is only 30 BUT I am continuing to take the heme iron (3/day) and carbonyl iron (3/day) with vitamin C. I will do this religiously for a few months to see if I cannot get that ferritin up. I have a feeling I can. My B-12 is 830 and my Vitamin D is 83 - so these levels are good. Enzymatic Therapy iron is the first iron that actually makes me feel better - more energy when I take them.
Now my eating...well my weight isn't terrible, 175 lbs at 5'7. My lowest ever was 158 in 2009 and I wore a size 6. I had my baby 17 months ago and got up to 221 the day I had him...only lost to about 210 after I gave now 175. BUT what scares me is my eating. I am eating so much junk food and carbs and not exercising. I am somehow not gaining. But I want to be 135 lbs eventually. I never made goal and I want to so badly.
What happens to me is this: I start the day with shakes - low carb ones - Premier Protein to be exact. I do well at my office and such. But when I get home from work I eat and eat. Also, my husband and I eat too much junk and restaurant meals on the weekend. For the past 2 months, I have not eaten red meat, chicken or pork. I want to stick to seafood for ethical reasons. I will eat eggs again once I get back to my farmer's market. I guess my question is: how do I get FULL before that nighttime eating strikes? How do you counter the weekend fun eating? How do you deal with stress without turning to food? I am an attorney with a stress level through the roof. I don't drink alcohol except maybe 1x/month or every 2 months. I am exhausted after work and don't want to exercise. Where do you guys get the energy for this?
thanks for your help in advance!
Good morning!! I'm sure the others will offer their advice shortly. I've got 2 suggestions for you that work for me.
1st....I have to exercise either before work or on my lunch hour. After work just doesn't cut it for me. I can come up with every excuse in the book and when I do then I'm so keyed up I can't go to sleep at a reasonable hour. a high protein snack or a shake on the way home. It keeps me from nibbling as soon as I get home. Once dinner is over the kitchen gets cleaned up and I turn the lights off. The kitchen is officially closed.
Good Luck.
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
When you get your ferritin levels up you will feel a lot better. I had that problem and ended up having infusions. I felt great after the first one. I had 8 over a two week period and my levels are still up after 3 years. I also did not have constipation issues with the infusions like I did with the oral iron. Good luck.
Hey, great to see youa nd I am gald that the iron and other things work for you.
As for munches at night - I also had them badly. What I do - is like you - try to make sure I get lower carbs - high protein food during the day - so when the munchies happen at least I knwo I did not waste the whole day.
But I found out that I need more fat in my diet to keep me full and limit my "snacking". That means making sure that I have at least 4 gr of fat for every 25 gr of proteins. I typically add drinkable coconut milk to my RTDs. 1/2 cup for 25 gr of proteins. I use "So Delishies" organic brand of the coconut milk. I also eat nuts as a snack. Nuts have good fat and that keeps me busy. I know that my body doea not absorb all the nuts, so I typically eat 1/3 more than I would normally eat.
Adding flax meal to my cooking also adds fiber and good fats to my diet. i.e. one of my "snacks" is full fat (or 2%) pain Greek yogurt, 1 cup, mix with 2 scoop of protein powder and 2 TBS of flax meal. Add flavoring if you like (I add stevia, vanilla, or cocoa for a very dark chocolate taste) then divide into 2-3 servings. One serving has 20 gr+ proteins, some fat and fiber. 1/3 is a perfect snack for me. Keeps me full.
Weekends - I usually cook a lot - make my own protein flax pancakes, muffins, etc. Also when going out I pick a place I can have yummy - but good for me food. Staying low carbs - even avoiding most fruits - really helps me with "munches".
As for the weight... I think your goal of 155 should be the lowest you set for yourself. at 5"7 size 6 is rather slim and looks healthy... And that may also allow more flexibility with eating to maintain that.. Why would you like to get to 135? There is something as "too thin" IMO
For the next few days: jus****ch people... let us know what you see...
I had that revelation when I was in CO. I saw a very thin lady. She was thin but does not look happy or healthy... beside her was a woman with curves.. dancing and very happy... She was not a size zero... but more like size 8-12... she looked really good... and happy...
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
You are doing way better than me so my suggestions are what I try to do or someone has suggested to me. I will try to listen to my own advice as I write them down. . Congratulations on your baby and your many blessings. At 5' 7" and 175 lbs. I bet you look great. 40 more pounds may not be necessary to be healthy.
Can you replace the "junk food" with fruit and plain Greek yogurt or some of those Quest bars everyone is eating. I have read in several places and from my rd that grapefruit makes us lose weight. They don't know why. I also found a Nature Valley chewy protein bar that has 14 grams of carbs (5 gms are from fiber) and 10 grams of protein that taste better than any candy bar I have ever eaten. I buy them at Sam's club and they are cheaper than most bars.
I have found that most restaurants offer many 500 calorie meals and you can take 1/2 home for lunch the next day. Weight Watchers suggests looking at the menu on line and preplanning your dinner so you don't have to be tempted by the menu when you are hungry. You just order when you get there. Also many servers will request the chef to "lighten up" dishes and they know how to do that these days.
Stress: lamaze breathing for 10 minutes or I agree with a 20 minute walk at lunch.
Meat: I also eat lower on the food chain so I understand and agree with what you are doing. I am not there yet though. I aim to eat first more fat free dairy and eggs, then fish, then 2 legged poultry, then 4 legged animals like pigs and the least of cattle that are grass fed so they have a more comfortable life.
My dietitian suggested trying to eat the same amount of calories every day to prevent binge eating.,
Someone once told me to drink a glass of water and wait 10 minutes before eating.
I really think you are doing wonderfully...congratulations. Tri

Your message really struck a chord with me as I realized I was fighting the same demon in the evening. I am awesome from 6:30 AM until 5:00 PM. After 5:00 PM, I suddenly become an eating machine. I don't know what is happening really. I have done great for the past 1 1/2 years so this is kinda throwing me off. I was so concern about taking off another five pounds that instead I added to it. I don't know if I am secretly stressed about my upcoming surgery, guilty about finances or worried about my son going to Europe in a few weeks. Something is bothering me and I have to figure it out.
Today I have decided to totally detox my body and try to get control over my night time eating. I have chosen to do protein shakes during the day when I have full control and saving my protein bars for the evening when I know I will need something to chew upon. Follow me daily and see how I am doing. I plan to do this for at least 3 days before getting on a better food schedule that I can keep up with.
I am so very happy to see the many replies and that so many of us struggle with the same issues. Iris, that is an excellent idea about exercise in the AM. After work (especially the days I have practicing anti-trust and class action law with large teams of men 30 years more experienced than me), I am dead. My toddler works me out at that time too! I will set my alarm and do my Jari Love DVD's starting tomorrow. And I will check in for accountability and discussion.
Linda, I have been wondering: even though my hemoglobin is high - LOW ferritin can still zap my energy? My protein levels are the best they have ever been. I attribute that to the shakes. I got my iron in the mail today from Amazon. I am going for - 150 mgs of Carbonyl Iron and 3 Ultimate Iron (Heme) to see if I can bring the ferritin up.
Hala and Tess (BIG HUGS!) - thank you for all of your help and support. Hala, you are right about the FATS - I am going to purchase some So Delicious coconut today to pour into my Premier Protein Shakes. While they don't quite give me RH alone, I think my BS must not be as level as it should be throughout the day if I am overeating at night. I am actually 174 this AM - but I had a rough day at work yesterday.
Hala, do you think my iron regimen above will raise my levels or can I safely do more Carbonyl Iron? None ever constipate me.
Tess, hugs to you my fellow MS Girl - I am sorry about the nighttime eating. This is truly an everyday battle but we are worth the fight. I will follow your eating and what is working for you. Best of luck on your plastics! My first round in 2010 - tummy tuck - my PS didnt give me a fleur de lis tummy tuck so now worse than ever i have tons of loose skin on my upper belly. And my legs and back have terrible lose skin. Enjoy the PS experience - the results are worth the pain in my opinion. You look beautiful in your profile picture.