Back On Track Together
Wednesday, February 13th, Cardio & Cafe
Happy Hump Day Botts:
It is a chilly start today in Mississippi. I am going to have to walk in the gym tonight. Too cold in the neighborhood to walk outside. My eats for today are:
Breakfast: Coffee & Miralax
Snack: Quest Brownie Bar
Lunch: PB Toast
Snack: Quest Brownie Bar
Snack: Vitatop
Dinner: Taco Pie
Snack: Grapes
Exercise: I plan to walk for 45 minutes on the treadmill tonight.
Have a wonderful Wednesday. Remember your vits and fluids.
Good morning Tess and Botts:
Since the Blizzard of 2013 in CT & the Northeast Corridor, we have returned to work !! Never had cabin fever before, but boy did it set in after the 2nd day of being out of work. It's a mess here in CT, and crazy, angry drivers make it so much worse! I set off for work in a happy, calm state of mind, but in about 10 minutes, I was saying, "why in the world didn't I just stay home" So many nuts who don't seem to get it that vehicles can be deadly weapons when not properly operated!! The one(s) going 40 mph on a snowy, icy covered road, or the one(s) on the cell phone, or how about the cop who is supposed to be directing traffic and he's on the cell phone, and has the red light (manually controlling it) red for almost 15 minutes!! Good job buddy!!
Why oh, why can't everyone act adult and proceed with caution and patience, they're going nowhere fast. Humans, we can't always have what we want when we want it.
After I got off the scale on Saturday, I just laughed and said, "goodbye scale, I never should have relied on you everyday." Weight still fluctuating between 173 - 176. But I'm losing, I see it, my hubby sees it, and I feel it in the way my clothes are fitting. So I'll have to deal with the fluctuations.
Eats today: Coffee (and more coffee) with raw sugar pkts (1 each cup) and big splash of 2% milk (each cup)
Water throughout the day flavored with sugarfree flavored beverage sticks.
Vitamins, calcium citrate
BREAKFAST: 3 Peanut butter pods (1/2 oz each)
Oatmeal with cinnamon, 1 splenda pkt, and 1/2 cup 2% milk
SNACK (about 11:30am) 1 boiled egg
LUNCH: 1/3 cup whole grain brown rice, 1/3 cup of butter beans, 1/2 oz of homemade meatloaf
SNACK: (about 3pm) salad greens with raw colored bell peppers, red onion, grated cheese, Newman's Honey Balsamic dressing (watch how much)
I'm trying to limit the coffee today, because I had a scare yesterday while being off. I drank an entire pot of Starbucks coffee and started to feel very ill. Caffeine intoxication.
I hope you all have a blessed day!!
Be careful out there in the traffic today. We have a bunch of idiots down south when we get ice. I just tuck in and stay at home if at all possible. Please be careful about the caffeine intoxication. My husband almost OD on extra strength excedrin trying to get over a migraine. Had to rush him to the emergency room and they say he had caffeine poisoning. It is very real. Have a safe day.
I agree with the Southern idiots on icy roads. I for one can't drive very well on them so I stay off of them.
I have never heard of caffeine intoxication before. Yall given me something to Google this afternoon. Thanks !!
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
Hi Scherrie: Here in WI most of us have 4WD, however we still have 2 wheel skid when trying to stop on ice! I guess road rage is everywhere. I will never understand how people can text and drive, but I see them do it. Today we made it up to above freezing. Hopefully that will get to you in a day or 2. Tri