Back On Track Together
Sunday, February 9th, Cardio & Cafe
Good Morning Botts:
We are in for a stormy, raining day today. I hope all of you in the Northeast are digging out from the snow and are doing okay. I got in a 3 mile walk yesterday and am looking forward to another one today. My eats for today are:
Breakfast: Coffee & Miralax
Snack: Quest Brownie Bar
Lunch: PB Toast
Snack: Protein Vanilla Pudding
Dinner: Southwestern Chicken Soup
Snack: Vitatop
Have a blessed day and take your vits and fluids.
Hi Tess
Been down for the count the last few days....cough, sneezeing, sore throat, ear ache, etc. Staying on my food plan. Weigh in tomorrow if I can get to the doctor's.
Breakfast protein bar
lunch chicken soup
snack SF pudding
dinner basil tomato soup
water, hot tea, diet CF diet dr pepper, vitamins, and antibiotic
Sorry that you caught the bug. If it is the same one we have up north it hangs on forrrevvverrrrrr.... Seriously, 8 weeks! Our Packers had it when they lost to SF. I couldn't imagine trying to call out plays to men with stuffed ears that couldn't hear. Hope you feel better. I commend you for staying on track with your food and I hope you have a speedy recovery. Tri

All in all Sunday was a pretty good day for me. I really enjoyed the slow pace of the day.
Breakfast: Protein Bar
Lunch: Hamburger steak, pickled beets & collards & 1 sweet potato biscuit
snack: Trail Mix
Dinner: Sausage & cheese omelet
I have to brag on myself for a minute and tell you about my breakfast....our Sunday school class always has multitudes of Dunkin Donuts and a couple of pots of coffee while we have our lesson. I brought my coffee from home and peeled back my protein bar and ate while we were having class. I felt just as indulged as they were but I didn't have the sugar crash later and I was very satisfied with my "meal". It must have worked because Sunday Lunch was a big southern affair at my Moma's and I only had 1 biscuit. Completely skipped the mashed potatoes and gravy and couldn't have eaten dessert if my life depended on it.
Getting on my vitamin schedule is going fairly well (or so I thought) I took all of my vitamins yesterday but this morning I realized that I never took my normal meds.
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
That is really great! Even the sweet potato biscuit (I would love the recipe) is better than a white flour biscuit because of the high fiber and vitamins in sweet potatoes rather than refined wheat. I would love to make them swapping out healthy oil for whatever fat is in them and Splenda to replace the sugar (if there is any). I love the spices in family recipes. To make it through essentially 2 parties without a major food feast is really wonderful. Congratulations, Tri