Back On Track Together
Thursday, February 7th, Cardio & Cafe
Hiya Botts:
Great Thursday for me today, I got a closing to go to (got a house sold) yay and am looking forward to a pay day!!! My eats for today are:
Breakfast: Coffee & Miralax
Snack: Pure Protein Bar
Lunch: Quest Brownie Bar
Snack: Vitatop
Dinner: Tuna Salad
Snack: NSA Ice Cream Bar
Exercise: 2 mile walk around the neighborhood. Weather has been holding in the low 60's all week.
Have a great day and take those vits and drink those fluids.
Good morning Tess and Botts:
I weighed myself today. I wanted to see where I stood. 174.8, yesterday was 174.2. Oh ok. I'm not going to stress. I drank so much
water yesterday, all I did was run to the bathroom. Had a protein shake for snack (Muscle Milk) = 25 grams
Gave myself my B12 shot, did about 4 minutes on the Ab Circle (lol)...not sure if that did anything.
Anyway, my eats for today are going to be a little more, because maybe I'm not eating enough food.
Coffee, and 1 cup of 2% milk
Breakfast: 1/2 cup of Oatmeal sprinkled with cinnamon, with Splenda packet and 1/2 cup of milk, 2 TBSP of peanut butter
Lunch: 1 oz of broiled skinless chicken breast, 2 small yellow and orange sweet bell peppers
Snack: Peanut butter (2 Tbsp), and 1 cup of 2% milk
Snack: Milk - 1 cup, 2%
Water, water, water, water, water, (16.9 fl. oz of flavored water with Hawaiin Punch pkts.) 6 each
Yes, Happy Thursday. Expecting a BLIZZARD beginning tonight and ending on Saturday!!
Enjoy your day everyone!! :)
Good Morning Tess,
Things are starting to move in the right direction ... finally. Yesterday 194.2 today 193.4. Gotta love getting water back on track.
B - Greek yogurt & granola (homemade)
S- Hard boiled egg
L - Meatloaf & cherry tomatoes
S - Quest bar
D - Protein & veggies ????
Water getting better every day; exercise good; vitamins always good.
Good afternoon. I don't envy those of yall who are getting snow in your forecast. YIKES. Stay warm. Today is my baby's 21st birthday. I feel like I'm 90 years old. I just blinked my eyes and the years flew by. Oh well - he's got the world by the tail and he knows it. I had planned on aqua zumba afterwork yesterday and don't you know the instructor had to cancel (she's a doll and texted me as soon as she knew she wouldn't make it) since I didn't have my workout clothes I went home and did some heavy duty housework.
Commute: Coffee w/ splenda and french vanilla creamer
Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with cheese
Lunch: Progresso Chicken soup & grapes
snack: Coffee w/ splenda and half&half & jello sugar free pudding
Dinner: *** Planning on fish tacos (we're going out to celebrate), salad and 2 whiskey sours
Dessert: Very small slice of birthday brownie cake.
The place he's picked for dinner has amazing seafood entrees. The fish tacos are awesome.
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
Keep warm. I hope you do not lose your power. When I first got back on track, I bought me a big wall calendar and everyday that I made it through successfully, I would mark a big red X on that day. It really boosted my confidence seeing that calendar all red. Just an idea you might want to consider. Have a good one.
I don't know what the weather's supposed to do today. I'm staying inside and pretending it's spring, how's that for denial!
My eats aaaaaare:
B: egg in the basket w/ half a slice of toast
L: grilled cheese on whole wheat (not as bad as it sounds one slice of cheese
and the bread is small) & 1/2 cup leftove potato soup
D: 1 cup homemade spanish rice made w/ kielbasa instead of ground beef
S: that protein pudding I was sposed to make yesterday, Im making it right after I hit send, Need something ready for the evening
Have a wonderful day All! :D