Back On Track Together
Wednesday, February 6th, Cardio & Cafe
Happy Hump Day Botts:
It looks like it is going to be another beautiful day in my neighborhood with temperatures in the low 60's. I have a great walk yesterday with my hubby and we are going to walk again this afternoon outside. My eats for today are:
Breakfast: Coffee & Miralax
Snack: Quest Brownie Bar
Lunch: Quest Vanilla Almond Bar
Snack: Chocoliate Bar
Snack: Vitatop
Dinner: Steak Taco
Snack: Grapes
Exercise: 2 mile walk in the neighborhood
Have a wonderful Wednesday, remember your vits and fluids. Chat with you later.
It's cold but not snowing out, at least not at the moment. Spring's supposed to be early this year if the groundhog is right! Been having a hard time getting to snap to work out but yesterday I found an easy workout on demand. Did 15 minutes but plan to increase as I'm able. My eats for today are:
B: egg in the basket
S: scrambled egg and cheese
L: cheeseburger salad
D: potato soup w ham and kielbasa
S: gonna try not to snack but If I do gonna make up some protein pudding
Have a good day all!

I'm going to Water Zumba at the Y tonight and I'm so excited. I remembered my bag, towel and everything!!! YEAH ME!! Sitting here looking at my vitamins. I'll take them with my snack in a little while. I hope to hear from the doc today on my labs from last work. She told me I could expect to hear from her today or tomorrow.
commute: 1/2 a bagel with ham, egg & cheese
snack: greek yogurt w/ handful of pumpkin granola
Lunch: Chef salad w/ ham, egg & cheese & french dressing plus a couple of multigrain wheat thins
snack: 4 fig newtons and cheese (pre-YMCA) grapes if I need something to hold me til dinner
Dinner: Hamburger steak with peppers, onions and mushrooms
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
Good morning Tess and Botts:
Weighed in at 174.2. The weight has been fluctuating greatly. One day last week it read, 177! If I focus on these numbers too much, I will begin to lose my focus and I can't afford to let that happen. I have been mindful of salt intake, and drinking my water. I really don't know what it's going to take to see 170 lbs.
Anyway, it's cold here, had very light snow all day and night yesterday. It was very nice and pretty. Possibly, a huge snowstorm on Friday! I really hope so! I'm still a kid at heart when it comes to snow events!!
Eats for today:
Coffee, in large amounts due to waking up with a headache (each cup made with 1 packet of raw sugar, and approx. 1/4 cup of 2% milk)
BREAKFAST: 1/2 cup of oatmeal, with cinnamon, and 1/2 cup of 2% milk. Maybe 1 tbsp of peanut butter.
LUNCH: CHEESE, Cheddar, and about 5 baby carrots
IN BETWEEN: WATER flavored with sugar free flavor packets....aim for 6 bottles (16.9 fl. oz)
DINNER: 1 scrambled egg with cheddar cheese and 1/4 cup of salsa
Have a great day everyone!