Back On Track Together
Tuesday, February 5th, Cardio & Cafe
Good evening BOTTS!
Well I had a good day. 30 minutes make a big different. Heading into the office on my normal schedule 30 minutes later and I was actually able to get a full 33 minutes of Wii Tennis this morning (burned 438.1 calc)
My eats for the day is getting better....had a melt down around 4:30pm and purchases and eat a Snickers Bar which has thrown off my dinner & late night snack so I only have 157 calc to work with...I quess for dinner a bowl of Hi Lo Cereal for dinner which will keep me at 1200 cals today (actually 1155.5 calc.)
So, here we have:
PreBreakfast: Coffee
Breakfast: 1/2C of Hi Lo Cereal, 1/4 cup of Vanilla Almond Milk and Orange
Snack: Skinny Down Smoothie (only 1 scoop of Protein Powder)
Lunch: 2pm 1 Cup of Chucky Campbell Soup (Grilled Chicken & Sausage Gumbo added 3oz of Shrimp) 2 Sourdough Wasa Crackers with 1 Wedge of Laughing Cow Cheese and 1 cup of Grape Tomatoes
Snack: 4:30pm Snickers Candy Bar
Dinner: ? 1/2 Cup of Hi Lo Cereal and 1/4 Cup of Vanilla Almond Milk
Exercise: Wii Active Tennis (33.31 minutes)
Before I post my food journal, I read through all your menus. You are all doing so well. You should be proud of your determination. Tomorrow afternoon we fly south. I love the snow because it is beautiful. The cold... not so much. I am ready for a break now. Tri
B: egg beater sandwich 200
S: grapefruit 80
L: pasta, veggie soup, salad: ham, turkey, rf cheese,lettuce, tomato, 1/2 cucumber, light Italian dressing 400
S: clementines and cheesecake 200
D: pork tenderloin, pasta 300
S: salad, small chili, fruit salad, granola 450