Back On Track Together
Monday, January 21th, Cardio & Cafe
Good Morning Botts:
Some of us have to go to work this morning but for all of you sleeping in this morning, Boooooooo! Enjoy your day off. My eats for today are:
Breakfast: Coffee & Miralax
Snack: Brownie Quest Bar
Lunch: Brownie Quest Bar
Snack: Vitatop
Dinner: Grill Chicken
Snack: Vitatop
Have a great day!
It's 19 degrees here with a foot of fresh lake effect snow on the ground. It's supposed to head south of here and come back and hit us again later. So I think I'll go visit my neighbor and see if I can barrow some dog food so I don't have to dig my car out and go to the store! My eats for today are:
B-1 egg w/ 2 tiny slices italian toast and 1/2 lite and fit greek yogurt
L-chicken, strawberry and almond salad with raspberry vinagret and 1/2 cup chicken soup
D-4 oz swiss steak, 1/2 c potato and 1/4 green beans
S-protein pudding shake, banana
Have a great day all

My eats for supper have changed to chicken soup and salad and I didn't eat any soup for lunch
I'm in for the night

Good morning BOTTS! Sorry I am one of those who have the day off. I was just flipping channels to find something to watch. I see that on the Cooking Channels/Cable today at 10am est. The Spice Goddess "Inspired Indian Flavors" She will be making Baked Samosas
Here's a hint if you want to try making them there are a lot of different recipes on the Cooking Channel website. However, I do not make my dough, I cheat and purchase Large Mexican Empanada Shells found in the froze food sections for around $0.99 or $1.59 for ten. Only defrosted cut each into equal halfs.
Today, I am still detoxing so have a great Botts!
Good morning Tess and Botts:
Today I am off work. Relaxing and enjoying the day.
I weighed in at 175.4 lbs this morning. So all is well with that and moving right along.
Eats for today are:
Pre Breakfast: Coffee, coffee, coffee w/raw sugar and whole milk today (late start this morning because I slept late)
Breakfast: Cheese grits 1/4 cup 2 pre-sliced pieces of cheddar cheese with 1/2 tsp of butter.....(2) pieces of bacon
Lunch: Salad w/cheese (about 6 pre-sliced pieces of cheddar cheese) baby carrots (3), onion, red bell pepper slices, 2 oz of honey ham, and balsamic dressing w/honey.
Dinner: Not sure....but focus on Protein
Water, water, Water, water throughout the day!
Have a great day all!
My weekly post: I am just recovering from a flu. Mild case. I was off for 2 days and then weekend. Sick. The proteins did not sit well with my pouch. Saltines with some spread... and I craved carbs. I ate some fruits, some other chips. I know I load on carbs - but when you sick - you sick. And I needed to eat something to take the pills.. Today I am not really hungry. I most likely will not be able to get enough proteins. And that is oK. as long as I can eat something.
weight - not sure... probably the scale would show a gain due to carbs and water retention... but as long as I can take my meds and my vitamins and the water - I am fine.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."