Back On Track Together
Wednesday, January 16th, Cardio & Cafe
Have I mentioned how I love this group??
B: EAS choc shake
L: sweet and sour chicken (about 1 cup of chicken and just a little taste of the sweet/sour sauce), 1/2 cup egg drop soup, 1 fortune cookie. I don't think this should have been on my menu...
S: SF jello and SF pudding
D: EAS shake
Splurged on lunch, so I'm cutting back this evening.
B: 2 metamucil cookies, egg beater, rf cheese, turkey omelet 210
S: 1 clementine, veggie soup 70
L: 1 cup of chili and extra veggies 315
S: sf pudding, sf fudgesicle, sf Jello, shrimp, veggies and minestroni 250
D: pork tenderloin, small piece of turkey lasagna 400
S: chocolate protein drink, peanut crunch protein bar 320
I am doing something fun for exercise. I watched the Biggest Loser and they did a playing card workout. I am doing a crunch for diamonds, a burpee for hearts, a push up for clubs and a squat for spades. Today I pulled out the aces, jacks, queens and kings and picked one card and did one exercise for each card for a total of 16 exercises. Tomorrow I will add the 2s. They will get 2 exercises per card. The next day I am adding the 3s etc. I don't know if I will ever do all the cards...we'll see! I do know that my hip is sore from all the up and down. Tri

Evening BOTTS!
Well, we got Icy Rain and snow mix last night but it cleared up by 12 noon today. It was a good day however, I over slept was 15 minutes late to work this morning used the Ice and crowned subway as my excuse. The true is I actually kicked the covers off at 5:30am, turned off the alarm clock and fell back to sleep listening to the news and woke up at 7am. Took the fastest shower every today.
Today eats was worst than yesterday.
Breakfast: Coffee and a Atkins Protein Bar - Vanilla Fruit and Nut (reheated coffee 3 times, till I threw it out and made a fresh cup, which I never drank)
Snack: None
Lunch: 3 Indian Samosa, a small filled pastry (2 filled with Mashed Potato and Green Peas and one with Chick Peas and Shredded Chicken). On the go (subway) I had a 2pm Doctors appointment (great results - feeling better)
Snack: None
Dinner: My last 3 Samosa (2 filled with Chick Peas and Shredded Chicken and one with Mashed Potato and Green Peas).
Snack: Ice Coffee
I hate to be late and I felt I was on the run all day today. Looking forward to the long weekend with the holiday on Monday. I will start working out on Saturday.
Have a great night BOTTS! Tomorrow is a new day!
I made them. I just scanned my recipe, I would say check out your local Indian Resturant (Middle Eastern).
Samosa, come in many different meats etc. as well as veggie only. I use a Indian Chick Pea Dinner which I find here locally as my base for $0.99 cent along with Ground Chicken, Shredded Chicken, or Lamb and when I do them for my brothers I use Ground Turkey and I do a Mash Potato with a few Green Peas.
In Box me and I will forward the recipe.