Back On Track Together
Tuesday, January 15th, Cardio & Cafe
Morning Botts:
Looks like we are in for a ice storm after lunch. If so, I will be coming home after lunch. My eats for today are:
Breakfast: 1 egg, toast
Snack: 1/2 Banana
Lunch: Boil egg, chedder and crackers
Snack: 1/2 apple
Dinner: roast beef, carrots
Snack: S.F. Ice Cream
Have a great day and stay warm and take your vits.
Yesterday I went to Snap and someone was on the bike so I had to use the ellipitcal machine. I did 12 minutes, that was hard, should have use the treadmill. Had a halfway decent day eating wise and got my water in so when I stepped on the scale I thought it would be down a little. Instead it went up a little. I guess my
eating wasn't as good as I thought. I did have an apple and peanut butter, bag of popcorn (yes the whole thing) and small bowl of homemade veg/beef soup over the evening, after dinner. Those are healthy things but maybe it just put me way over my calories or maybe too many carbs. Maybe I'm one of those people who just can't have carbs, I do gain really easy also tend to think if I eat somewhat healthy one day should drop 3 lbs the next. Anyhoo here's the plan for today:
B-3 eggs, toast, banana
3 cups coffee, 3T FF 1/2 amd 1/2
L-cup of homemade veg beef soup
Snack-protein shake
D-chicken with veggies and 1/4 cup scalloped potatoes-dinner at sister's
Going to try and not eat after dinner except for coffee w/ ffhh
Okay I'm done whining now, just had to get that out, thanks for listening. Everone have a good day and Tess stay safe

Good morning Tess and BOTTS:
I weighed in at 176.6 this morning!! That's about 5 lbs down from last week!! Yippppeee! On my way to lose this last 30 somethings pounds!
All it took was a few changes like, watching carbs, eating MORE PROTEIN, drinking lots of water, veggies, some fruit, over refined carbs and junk! And encouragement from this support group. Oh, and vitamins (important)!! Extra movement, too!
It feels so good to be back in control! So for anyone else contemplating how to get back on track, come share, ask questions, get support, and go back to basics, make minor changes at first so you're not overwhelmed!
Have a great day!
Oh, here's my eats for the day:
Pre breakfast: Coffee, coffee, and more coffee (each cup made w/1 pkt of Raw sugar, 1/4 cup of 2% milk (added protein)
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal w/1 splenda, 2/3 cup of 2% milk (protein)
2 TBSP of Peanut Butter (protein)
1/4 of medium banana
WATER w/sugar free Hawaiin Punch flavor
Lunch: Cheddar cheese slices (about 6 or 7)
5 baby carrots
2 oz. of honey ham
WATER w/sugar free Hawaiin Punch flavor
Snack: Small bartlett pear (juicy and delicious)
WATER w/sugar free Hawaiin Punch flavor
Dinner: Pinto beans, cabbage, 1/4 of a pork chop
Snack: Popcorn, and more protein (either cottage cheese 1/4 cup or cheese slices or peanut butter)
Hi there. I feel like whining too!!!!!!!! It must be the weather. I'm having one of those days where I'm almost forcing myself tot sit at my desk so I don't mindlessly eat everything that's not nailed down in the break room. One of the other girls in the office is in the initial carb detox phase of South Beach -----interesting to watch-----she's going to snap on someone before the 2 weeks is up. I wonder if that's how I act when I go through the same thing? It is nice though to have her going low-low carb because between the 2 of us she's much more vocal and is calling out those ladies in the office that have a tendency to sabotage other peoples' diets. (WHY?) In watching her I am learning quite a bit about myself and my approach to "dieting" and all those reasons why diets don't work for me.
Commute: Coffee with Splenda and FF French Vanilla creamer
Breakfast: Chicken salad (ate my lunch because I left my eggs at home----duh)
Lunch: 1/2 of a 6 inch Philly from Subway & a small orange
Dinner: Crock Pot Pork Loin w/ garden salad & green beans
snack: Banana & Greek Yogurt
Vitamins are in. Working on the decaf tea and water as I type. Thankfully my knee is not hurting very much today and I'm looking forward to starting back at the YMCA in the next few weeks.
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
Thanks for being here
B: 2 Metamucil cookies, egg beaters, rf cheese and turkey omelet 210
S: 2 clementines, veggie soup 105
L: 9 multigrain tortilla chips, can of tuna and ff miracle whip 250
S: apple, sf pudding, minestroni,shrimp 280
D: lasagna (turkey, ff cheese, rf cheese, and brown rice noodles) 300
S: 2 clementines, sf jello, sf fudgsicle, spinach salad, 2 turkey/cheese roll ups 295
No work out today I am just trying to eat less. One thing at a time. Tri