Back On Track Together
Tuesday, January 8th, Cardio & Cafe
Good Morning Botters:
Chilly Tuesday here in Mississippi. My eats and cardio for today are:
Breakfast: S.F. Vanilla Coffee & Miralax
Snack: Brownie Quest Bar
Lunch: Brownie Quest Bar
Snack: Chocolate Vitatop
Dinner: Chicken Taco
Snack: Chocolate Vitatop
Exercise: 35 min. walk on treadmill
Have a great day and remember those vitamins!
Thanks for your comments Tess, I really appreiciate
your input it helps a lot! Though my diet is far from
perfect, think I'm starting to get a handle on things,
don't know why I couldn't get it together sooner but
at least I'm trying now. My eats are today
B-2 eggs w slice of cheese and 1/2 mini bagel
L-protein shake or coffee
Snack- protein shake or coffee
Not sure about dinner yet going to my sister's so
its a shake for lunch and go easy on dinner
coffee w ff h&h
Hope everyone has a good day!

Your welcome! It is never easy to start and never hard to stop new changes. I think we all war with our minds and bodies trying to see who will win in the end. I take one day at a time with new habits. Sometimes my success is making it through lunch. I just keep plugging along. You can to. Have a great day!
I'm so glad I found yall...reading through older posts...I feel like I'm home. I had my RNY surgery on 8-8-08 and I still think it's the best thing I've ever done for myself. I lost a total of 107 lbs. And after some health scares (not RNY related) I started eating for comfort. I've gained back up to nearly 250 lbs. I'm not happy with my body at this weight. So January 1st became my defining date....starting over and becoming an active BOTT member.
Commute: Coffee with Splenda & FF French vanilla Creamer
Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs with 2% shredded mexican cheese & salsa
Lunch: Progresso Light Clam Chowder (BLCH.....3 bites in and I had to toss it.....just didn't set well)
snack: Coffee with Splenda & FF half and half...(3p.m.)
Jello Pudding cup -sugar free (4 p.m.)
Dinner: Seafood (Either steamed oysters of steamed shrimp depending on which restaurant the kids pick)
Exercise is hard right now. I'm having some flare ups with my knees but I'm headed to the doc after work to check things out. Hoping to get back into the pool for water aerobics next week. Achy knees make walking a chore in itself. Antsy to start some weight training again but waiting for clearance on that as well (thumb surgery is slow healing and make gripping and lifting hard as well) Good Grief I sound like I'm headed to the junkyard.
I am diligent about taking my multi-vitamin, D3, B-12 and Fish Oil.
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4