Back On Track Together
Tuesday, August 14th, Cardio & Cafe
Good Morning Botters:
It is a beautiful day here in Mississippi. We got two really good rain storms yesterday that we needed very much. I was able to get my walk in yesterday. My eats and cardio for today are:
Prebreakfast: Coffee & Miralax
Breakfast: Oatmeal
Snack: Quest Brownie Bar
Lunch: Pure Protein Bar
Snack: Quest Brownie Bar
Snack: Vitatop
Dinner: Steak Taco
Snack: NSA ice cream sandwich
I plan to walk around the neighborhood again tonight. Walking last night before the second storm was really nice and cool for a change. Temperature this evening is suppose to be in the 70's. I am look forward to that walk too. Have a great day and don't forget your vits and fluids.
It is a beautiful day here in Mississippi. We got two really good rain storms yesterday that we needed very much. I was able to get my walk in yesterday. My eats and cardio for today are:
Prebreakfast: Coffee & Miralax
Breakfast: Oatmeal
Snack: Quest Brownie Bar
Lunch: Pure Protein Bar
Snack: Quest Brownie Bar
Snack: Vitatop
Dinner: Steak Taco
Snack: NSA ice cream sandwich
I plan to walk around the neighborhood again tonight. Walking last night before the second storm was really nice and cool for a change. Temperature this evening is suppose to be in the 70's. I am look forward to that walk too. Have a great day and don't forget your vits and fluids.
Good morning botts!
breakfast: coffee and 2 metamucil cookies
lunch: cooked veggies, beef 3 oz. 1 slice reduced fat Swiss cheese
snack: Pure protein candy bar, cooked vegetables
dinner: salad, chicken 4 oz., little potatoes with plain Greek yogurt dill dip, 2 clementines
snack: mini bagel with sugar free jelly
snack: sf/ff cheesecake
I swam 300 yds. today
breakfast: coffee and 2 metamucil cookies
lunch: cooked veggies, beef 3 oz. 1 slice reduced fat Swiss cheese
snack: Pure protein candy bar, cooked vegetables
dinner: salad, chicken 4 oz., little potatoes with plain Greek yogurt dill dip, 2 clementines
snack: mini bagel with sugar free jelly
snack: sf/ff cheesecake
I swam 300 yds. today
Good Morning Botts!
Slowly getting bot. I really need to cause I feel like Ive gained 5 lbs. Im sure its bloat, cause I feel bloated! Time to get my water on.
Still working with my new baby. We are getting our schedule figured out. I go to puppy preschool orientation Monday and she starts the first week in Sept. She and my kitty are getting along much better than I expected. Sorry..I know Im sounding like a new mommy! Especially since I had to share her picture. Her name is Raven.
Eats for today:
Coffee w/ cream
Ham and cheese rollups
Quest Bar
Leftover steak and asparagus
not sure whats for dinner, heading to my momma's
Slowly getting bot. I really need to cause I feel like Ive gained 5 lbs. Im sure its bloat, cause I feel bloated! Time to get my water on.
Still working with my new baby. We are getting our schedule figured out. I go to puppy preschool orientation Monday and she starts the first week in Sept. She and my kitty are getting along much better than I expected. Sorry..I know Im sounding like a new mommy! Especially since I had to share her picture. Her name is Raven.
Eats for today:
Coffee w/ cream
Ham and cheese rollups
Quest Bar
Leftover steak and asparagus
not sure whats for dinner, heading to my momma's

OMG raven is adorable
!!!! Is she a lab? That is what I have too. We did puppy training twice and it really helped. At 6 years she is a wonderful dog. My husband says we really understand each other. They really are fur-babies! Part of the family. Look at the size of those paws! Thanks for sharing her picture with us

Honestlly, Im not sure exactly what mix she is. We were told Pittbull/Husky mix. I dont see any husky. I saw the momma and she looks like a small pittbull maybe lab mix and is black. Her brothers and sisters are either black like her or brindle. I also got to see the mommas two older pups who were about 6-8 months old (wish they would get her fixed!) and they all looked pitt/small lab and one was black and one beige.
Even the vet said she thought maybe pitt/lab mix. Raven does have a wide stance though. Either way, she is a sweetie!
Even the vet said she thought maybe pitt/lab mix. Raven does have a wide stance though. Either way, she is a sweetie!
I started the day with carbs and it was all down hill from there. I ended up doing about 1,300 calories and I just grazed all day. I will not make that mistake again. I remember the days when blowing was 3,000 calories, but I still hate this feeling of failing. I am planning my whole day out tomorrow. It's true what they say, fail to plan and you can plan to fail.
Not tomorrow though
Not tomorrow though