Back On Track Together
Sunday Cafe & Cardio
I sang at church this morning and went out for lunch. I handed out Trick or Treat, did housework and some laundry. Then we settled in to watch the prerecorded PACKERS. They WON!!! So I didn't get to my health club today. I did pretty well eating out at lunch though which for me is tough. I ordered the duck well done without the orange sauce and didn't eat the skin, skipped the bread basket, had the side salad with Italian dressing on the side, didn't touch the stuffing, brought half the potato home, and gave the dessert to my husband. I make diet desserts all the time so I never eat regular desserts. I logged my food on OH health tracker and I 1525 calories again today. That is 6 days of BOTT. Motivation is still high so that is good. I know it will only be a little while til I am plateaued or hungry or just tired of measuring food. I hope you will be there to help me when things get tough. So many of you have done so well. I so badly need to get to my goal. I am not in an extreme rush, but seriously I started losing weight 22 years ago and enough is enough. I need to get to my goal! Just Me