Back On Track Together
Weight loss issue
My weight keeps going up and down by 2 lbs. In the last two months I may have lost 6 lbs total.
I'm a little frustrated since I am just 8 months post op.
How is everyone getting their weight to come off so consistently?
Do you count calories or go by protein/carbs?
What is your typical day of meals/shakes like?
Thanks for the input!
It sounds like you're comming off that monumental dibilitating period post op called "The Honeymoon phase".... I.E., you before could eat most anything and not exercise and the weight still seemed to fall off.... now that your body has re-adapted to your surgery and malabsorbtion (amazing thing, our bodies) the weight doesn't come off so easily and its hard to get out of those same old bad habits we tried to break before.
What does your daily routine look like? Do you get regular exercise? What does your general menu consist of? Are you making good choices? What is your portion size? You need to evaluate all of these things to take a look from 50,000 feet and really see the whole situation.
I am now a HOME OWNER! Check out my House Blog!
Certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader
36 lbs from goal!
Consistant weight loss pretty much takes consistant behavior - COMPLIANT consistant behavior. This isn't a diety - it's a life-style change. This isn't diet - you don't go off and on - this is FOREVER.
Everybody's body is different. What works for one may not work so well for someone else so I'm simply sharing what works for me. I count calories. I MUST plan my food at least one day ahead (preferably 3 or 4 days), write down my plan, follow my plan. Eat NO MORE FOOD when I have consumed my calorie limit. I had my lap band 4 years ago and I'm happy to say this group of folks has been unmeasurable help in my getting back/staying on ttrack. This is the first time in my life that i've been able to MAINTAIN. About two years after I reached goal weight I ganined 30-35 pounds (not unusual - that's about the time FOREVER beins to be real to us) I am now a bit lower than my original goal weight and MAINTAINING. It takes the same behaviors to maintain that it does to lose. Tha's what I didn't know/understand when I dieted before I had the surgery and what I had to learn when I begain to regain my weight after surgery.
So, you might as well settle in now and give up your old way of thinking about this as a diet - this is FOREVER. Our tool will always work - the question becomes will we choose to use it? The choice is always ours. Sometimes it will be easy and sometimes every 5 minutes is a struggle - it is our choice whether we build our "give in" muscle or our "compliant" muscle. It will FOREVER be our choice.
I wish you well and, again WELCOME.
This isn't a diety, this is a lifestyle change.
This isn't god, this is you.
I know you didn't mean it that way but it made me chuckle. God can be there to support you, but you have to do this for yourself.
I am now a HOME OWNER! Check out my House Blog!
Certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader
36 lbs from goal!
The problem is, God can only help us if we allow it. Sometimes we're pretty insistant on "I'll do it all by myself and if I call on you you'd better come up with some pretty heavy magic so I WNT to do what I NEED to do" (What a strange fish man be)
I am now a HOME OWNER! Check out my House Blog!
Certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader
36 lbs from goal!
I think my eating choices are pretty good. I get between 75 to 100 protein grams each day.
My lab work is always consistent too :o).
However, I don't drink enough water so that is an ongoing battle at the moment.
My exercise routine came to a halt 4 weeks ago because I've been in a major flare up with my fibromyalgia. I think I will break my walking into three times a day and just do 10-15 minutes at a time and see how my poor body hangs in there. During the summer, it doesn't matter if I am in pain or not because I can swim in our pool even when my body is hurting. Out of water exercise is a different story but I'm still trying to work out a routine I can consistently stick to every day.
Some days I only eat one meal and drink protein shakes for breakfast and lunch. I usually get snacks in between but if I'm out running errands I miss my in between protein snacks.
I guess my main problem is that I don't pre plan my meals and snacks and I'm not on a set schedule either. So I will give that a try and then maybe I can see what I'm doing wrong.
I walk atleast 5-7miles a day, during normal activity. 10-15 with exercise...
Food intake... Usually
Breakfast - 2 slices of bacon/ 1scramble egg maybe 1 or a half of piece of wheat toast
Am snack- the rest of what I didnt eat for breakfast
Lunch- top off a piece of pizza and/or salad with tuna or turkey
pm snack protein shake or oatmeal cookie or granola bar or piece of fruit (massive sugar low at 3pm)
dinner, meat & veggies every-damn-night
Ive follow this routine for months, with NO weight change. Hover the same 10lbs for the past YEAR!!!! Getting bored, and now starting to feel alittle nauseous from lack of food choices. Its saturday.. Had piece of chicken, like the size of a chicken leg at 8am... and a steak burrito from Taco Bell at 5pm. Now... I almost hate to eat , nothing turns my appetite on. Food is grossing me out right now.