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Thanksgiving Pledge - Sub Challenge, Week 3!
This week lets cool down and take it easy. Lets talk stretching/yoga. I'm thinking of Happy's poor nerve and wondering if this would be easier for her... but there is nothing wrong with some good stretches!!
Any Yoga-geeks out there? Or how about Pilates? Well this week, we're all about breathing, core muscles and good ol' fashioned stretching! And trust me, nothing feels as good as a long stretch when you're sore, tired or bored.
So, ladies and gents, lets do this thang. Free moments, commercial breaks, right before or after your walk, right after you drive to work... lets fit these little tid bits into your day.
Stretch 1 - (click the blue words for pic) Shoulder Stretch
Arms up up up, fold your fingers with palms up, and try to lift your whole body off the ground via your rib cage. Inch your way to the left, to the right... feel that stretch along your whole side. Make sure you take a moment to breathe into those sore spots.
Stretch 2 - Groin/Inner Thigh
Stand with your legs wide apart. Shift your weight to one side, bending your knee somewhat. Do not let your knee bend beyond your ankle; in other words, you should be able to look down and still see your toes. You should feel the stretch in your opposite leg, which remains extended. Both of your feet stay flat on the ground facing forward. Hold for 10-20 seconds, then lean to the other side. Don't forget to breathe! Imagine the oxygen going to those tender, sore areas.
Stretch 3 - Hamstring/Towel Stretch (You may need a towel)
Sit and stretch both legs out in front of you. Grab towel at each end, placing it around the arches of your feet. Using straight arms, pull upper body down gently to stretch behind the legs. Don't forget to breate! Always take a breath before, and slowly let it out as you pull into your legs. Hold long enough to take in and release one whole breath.
Stretch 4 - The Pilates 100
This one's a little more complicated, but a little fun too. It works your core muscles, stretches your back, neck, arms and belly. (If you have too much trouble keeping your kneesbent in, you can keep your feet flat on the floor, knees pointing to the ceiling.) Lay flat on your back, curl your knees into your chest, tuck your chin to your chest by lifting your head from the floor. Now, straiten your arms so they are parallel to the floor. Lift them up and down about 3 inches. Lift them 100 times. The picture describes it better than text, so make sure to check it out. Breathe breathe breathe!!
I did this the last few nights and I loved it.
Just as you're tucking into bed, take a moment to stretch every little muscle you can feel in your arms, legs, core, neck... once you've finished, lay still and feel your body, feel the blood coursing into those muscles you just stretched. Maybe you can even feel your heartbeating through your veins. Take 3 slow, long, hearty deep breaths. Feel the oxygen entering your system, pure and gentle and true.
This helps me get a great night sleep!
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