Back On Track Together


Back On Track Together - NEW!
December 14, 2008 10:26 pm
Day #1 of our new Back On Track Together group.  Kathy and I have talked about creating a group that focuses on the "now what?" of surgery.  I am so excited!

I know for me, I maintained my weight loss of 147 pounds easily for over three years.  I hit a big speed bump along the smooth wls journey that I'd enjoyed and regained 30 pounds.  Yikes.  How could that happen after three years of maintaining my weight?  It came in the form of my life taking a turn to the left and I didn't turn with it.  While I thought I was good to go for the rest of my life of staying at my goal weight, I was wrong.  At a difficult and emotional time in my life, I returned to those habits that I thought I'd ditched when I had my surgery.  The comfort of emotional overeating to calm, soothe and numb uncomfortable feelings was what I knew to do.  Although I'd followed healthy habits, during an extreme time in my life, I defaulted to what I'd always known was a comfort and that was found in old favorites.

The good news is that I lost the weight regain.  It was NOT easy like it was the first time around.  It can be done.  Whether we've regained weight, staying on track is key to weight loss success.  Whether trying to get back on track or stay on track, this group is important.  It is important to be back on track together. 

It is with such excitement and anticipation that this group has begun.  Anything we do together is better!


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