Atkins and Low Carb Weight Loss

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on 4/25/11 4:05 pm
Topic: RE: PRODUCTS Thread: Low-Carb Yummies
Nobody has mentioned  the Pro Pudding by Body Tech. That is the best stuff. 25 grams of protein

I can't take credit. Lee told me about it. It's delicious and it's not even cheating to eat it as a meal.

I can't remember the carb count . I think it's 5?

band 12-29-06     revision  to sleeve  Alberto Aceves  4-29-09

                                       I love my sleeve!!

                               Lost 107 lbs and maintaining

Posted Image

Whacka Doodle
on 4/25/11 3:25 pm
Topic: RE: Fear of Fat
fat is a very effective poop aid, indeed!
Interested in low-carb nutrition?  Thinking of trying Atkins? Want to try high-fat and/or high-protein eating?  Whether or not you have had (or are thinking about) WLS   

on 4/25/11 2:41 pm
Topic: RE: Fear of Fat
My surgeon says that I won't have much malabsorption but I have heard differently from others whose opinion I trust.  I am watching my labs carefully so that should tell part of the story.  My NUT is kind of, well, I just don't think she knows much more.  The PA tells me to take Flintstones so this is not a practice that I take nutritional advice from.
I am really dilligent about carbs and I haven't really had any problems with hunger.  I am going to use half and half instead of milk in my coffee and see how that goes.  I am just wondering if it will help my constipation.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

Whacka Doodle
on 4/25/11 2:16 pm
Topic: RE: Monday CARb Accountability Roundup
Okay folks, today was NOT a low-carb day for me.  I'm not even posting my eats, except to tell you that it included passover granola, passover brownies, lemon squares, and lots of high-fiber wholegain matza.

I did a great deal of walking, it was a great day, but already I'm gassy, bloated, and miserable.  Gah.

Well, tomorrow's a new day!

Interested in low-carb nutrition?  Thinking of trying Atkins? Want to try high-fat and/or high-protein eating?  Whether or not you have had (or are thinking about) WLS   

Whacka Doodle
on 4/25/11 2:14 pm
Topic: RE: Fear of Fat
Okay, that gives me a better idea.

So -- What does your surgeon or his/her Nut say?  I would think that your malabsorption of fat is RNY-esque, probably -- no?

So, with normal gut, RNY, band, and VSG, it isn't really critically important to have a high-fat diet, except that you're getting calories that replace carbs.  The higher fat also promotes satiety, which isd terribly impotant as you are bringing down your carb count.  So, I would GUESS that it's okay not to eat higher fat .... but be careful that you're not replacing with carbs or getting yourself hungry.

Does that help?

Interested in low-carb nutrition?  Thinking of trying Atkins? Want to try high-fat and/or high-protein eating?  Whether or not you have had (or are thinking about) WLS   

on 4/25/11 12:57 pm
Topic: RE: Fear of Fat
I'm the weirdo that revised from a DS.  Actually, although I have a RNY pouch I still have the DS configuration only my surgeon lengthened my common channel to 200cc from 100cc.  I have heard that I would still have malabsorption I'm just not sure how much.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

Whacka Doodle
on 4/25/11 12:54 pm
Topic: RE: Fear of Fat
Remind me, which surgery type did you have?

If you've had RNY or Band or even VSG, it's okay to go low-fat.  With DS, I  believe you actually require more, but that's probably a question to ask on the DS board (if that's the case).

Interested in low-carb nutrition?  Thinking of trying Atkins? Want to try high-fat and/or high-protein eating?  Whether or not you have had (or are thinking about) WLS   

Whacka Doodle
on 4/25/11 12:52 pm
Topic: RE: Super confused
Is it possible you are having SWEETENED Greek yogurt?  Because Trader Joe's 0% fat Greek Yogurt has only 7 grams of carbs in a full cup, which is a lot of the stuff.

If you are finding this too difficult at first, then focus only on getting sufficient protein, for a while, and THEN move into carb restriction.  Does that sound do-able?

The protein is much more impotant, in terms of health and satiety, than the low-carb component.  Of course, you'll need to rein in your carb intake in order to lose weight and beat the cravings, but by all means, start with the protein (but check the sugar content of that Greek yogurt!)

Interested in low-carb nutrition?  Thinking of trying Atkins? Want to try high-fat and/or high-protein eating?  Whether or not you have had (or are thinking about) WLS   

on 4/25/11 11:39 am
Topic: Fear of Fat
I still have a problem trusting that it is ok to have regular fat foods.  I have a 200 cc common channel and according to the person I asked I should be malabsorbing most of the fat I eat but I still stick with low fat or fat free foods unless it is something I really like, like bleu cheese dressing and avocados.  I have been keeping my fat grams under 50, more like 40.
I do keep my carbs low.  I aim for 50 or less carbs net although I do go a little above sometimes.
Am I completely off track here?  I am getting close to the range I want to start maintaining in.  I weigh about 126 and my maintenance goal is 120 to 125 lbs.  I average about 1 lb a week loss.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 4/25/11 10:37 am
Topic: RE: Monday CARb Accountability Roundup
MUCH better today!! Also did my Tae Bo cardio today, and I feel great!

B: Protein shake, atkins bar
S: Hi Lo cereal *low carb* with a little half/half
L: Atkins shake, baybel cheese, atkins bar
S: Just the cheese bites
D: Turkey and cheese roll up with lettuce and vinegar
S: Baybel cheese

Cal: 989  Net carb: 28g  Protein: 97g

Check out my blog!! 
