Atkins and Low Carb Weight Loss
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Topic: RE: Sunday Low-CARb Accountability Roundup!
55 grams fiber -- is that right? Is that typical? I'm only asking because I can routinely handle about 15/day, otherwise --- problems!!!
Also, is it the carbs that are causing difficulties, do you think, or the calories overall? Just curious, because the whole thing looks about right to me.
Metabolism can be a bear!
Also, is it the carbs that are causing difficulties, do you think, or the calories overall? Just curious, because the whole thing looks about right to me.
Metabolism can be a bear!
Interested in low-carb nutrition? Thinking of trying Atkins? Want to try high-fat and/or high-protein eating? Whether or not you have had (or are thinking about) WLS
I've purchased Marmite in the USA. It's been many years and I don't remember where. I bet Cost Plus would be a good guess because they carry many imported items.
HW: 249 SW: 229 GW: 149 Age: 63 - Body by Sauceda - 12/2011
Topic: RE: 2 weeks of atkins, down 6 lbs!! stay in induction?
Big congrats on your successful two weeks! What to do now is such an individual decision. I wish I had stuck on induction longer and added food in slowly. After 7 weeks I felt like I really needed veggies and some fruit and I'm up 1 pound from my lowest. I think it's all about adding in food slowly to stay in ketosis and continue burning fat. I used Atkins 1972 for my version because it talks about counting total carbs. It was before the net carb came into being. Here's a primer about adding foods from the 1972 book.
I copied this from the activelowcarber forum. It was a post written in 2003. I use it as my reference.
*NOTE* This is from the book, Bantam edition / September 1972 paperback...
Not sixty grams of carbohydrate on this diet but zero grams
Here’s how this diet is significantly different. During the first week on this diet, you cut your intake of carbohydrates down to what is biologically zero.
This creates a unique chemical situation in the body, the one favorable to the fastest possible burning of your body’s stored fat. Ketones are excreted, and hunger disappears.
You see, the first fuel your body burns for energy comes from the carbohydrates you eat and drink. If any carbohydrate is available, your body burns this rather than stored fat-and maintains its old metabolic pathways. But carbohydrates, as such, are not stored in the body beyond forty-eight hours.
So when no carbohydrate is taken in, your body must draw upon the major reserve source of fuel-the stored fat.
It is forced to take a different metabolic pathway. In this process your body converts from being a carbohydrate-burning engine.
This is The Diet Revolution: the new chemical situation in which ketones are being thrown off-and so are those unwanted pounds, all without hunger.
A gradual addition of carbohydrate to keep your body burning it’s fat as fuel. We must maintain this chemical situation if you’re to continue to lose without hunger. And if we add carbohydrate very gradually in tiny amounts-we can do just this… keep your body converted into a fat-burning engine.
So that is just what we do. The second week you might add a few grams of carbohydrate to your diet. Every week thereafter a little more carbohydrate (around five grams) may be returned to the diet.
The Rules of Original Atkins
The Diet Revolution Rules (Level One)
1. Don’t count calories
2. Eat as much of the allowed foods as you need to avoid hunger.
3. Don’t eat when you are not hungry.
4. Don’t feel you must finish everything on your plate just because it is there.
5. Drink as much water or calorie free beverages as thirst requires. Don’t restrict fluids… but it is not necessary to force them either.
6. Frequent small meals are preferable.
7. If weakness results from rapid weight loss, you may need salt.
8. Everyday take a high-strength multivitamin pill.
9. Read the labels on “low-calorie" drinks, syrups, desserts,. Only those with no carbohydrate content are allowed.
The First Life-Changing Week, eat nothing that is not on the list.
Meat: Steaks, Corned beef, Lamb chops, tongue, Hamburgers, Bacon, Any kind of meat in any quantity—except meat with fillers such as sausage, hot dogs, meatballs, most packaged “cold cuts"
Fowl: Duckling, Turkey, Chicken, Anything with wings, No stuffing
Desserts: Gelatin with artificial sweeteners (e.g., D-Zerta [is that still around?])
Condiments: Salt, pepper, mustard, horseradish, vinegar, vanilla, and other extracts; artificial sweeteners; any dry powdered spice that contains no sugar
Drinks: Water, Mineral water, Vichy, Club soda; Beef or Chicken broth, bouillon; Sugar free diet soda; coffee*, tea, decaffeinated coffee
---------*Special note on caffeine and Diet Cola. Because most heavy people have some hypoglycemia, coffee, which contains caffeine, should be limited to six servings a day (cups). If you know you have low blood sugar, better limit it to three.
Fish: All fish, including canned salmon, tuna; any kind of seafood, including oil-packed and smoked, except oysters, clams, muscles, scallops, and pickled fish
Eggs: Boiled, fried, scrambled, poached, omelet – any style and without limitations
Salads: Two small green salads a day (each less than one cupful, loosely packed) made only of leafy greens, celery, or cucumbers and radishes. Dressings with vinegar, oil, salt, dry spices, herbs, grated cheese, or anchovies. Or else a sour pickle in place of a salad. Plus… green olives.
Butter & Mayonnaise Fats: Butter, margarine (head New Diet Revolution & eat no margarine with trans fatty acids), oils, shortening (not such a great idea), lard & mayonnaise (fats have no carbohydrates).
Juice: Juice of one lemon or lime
Cheese: Four ounces a day of any hard aged cheese. No cream cheese or cheese spreads.
Heavy Cream: Four teaspoons a day. (Cream has less carbohydrate than milk – so don’t use milk)
Diet Revolution Salad Material: Celery, Chicory, Chinese Cabbage, Chives, Cucumber, Endive, Escarole, Fennel, lettuce, Olives (Green or Black), Onions, Pickles (Sour or Dill), Parsley, Peppers, Radishes, Scallions, watercress.
What Happens After The First Week’s Diet. Most diets are fixed formulas and are therefore short-termed and self-limiting. This diet is fixed only for a week. After that – because it must be a lifetime diet, it is, as variable as are individual tastes.
I’ve labeled the additions of carbohydrate that follow’ second level’, ‘third level’, ‘fourth level’, ‘fifth level’, but in fact the additions are interchangeable and flexible. You can make any of these additions any week that you choose. I am so committed to making this a livable lifetime diet that I am letting you select your own variations, within the rules set up by your biological rulebook.
Put back what you’ve missed the most: The idea is simply to gradually return to your diet first what you missed most. Custom-tailor the diet to suit your carbohydrate additions to suit your lifestyle. All that matters is that you add back to your diet a little carbohydrate at a time, and that you stop adding carbohydrate when you reach your CCL.
How to know when to put back a little carbohydrate: Ask yourself: Are the keto-stix still turning purple? Am I still un-hungry? Have I stopped eating at night? Do I have more energy? Am I still losing weight or inches nicely? Remember, your tape measure is a lot better friend than your scale, not only more accurate, but better able to report on the actual fat (not just temporary water) losses this diet achieves.
The Second Level: Cheesecake for dessert? At each level, remember you add approximately five to eight grams of carbohydrate daily for a week and analyze the results. Most people agree the best way to handle the second level is to add cottage cheese…
The Diet Revolution Vegetables (not for level one): All of the above plus; Asparagus, Avocado, Bamboo Shoots, Bean Sprouts, Beet Greens, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Chard, Chinese Cabbage, eggplant, Kale, Kohlrabi, Mushrooms, Okra, Onions, Peppers, Pumpkins, Rhubarb, Sauerkraut, Snow Pea Pods, Spinach, String Beans, Summer Squash, Tomatoes, Turnips, Water Chestnuts, Wax Beans, Zucchini Squash
Sample menu, level one:
Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with spicy ham, Diet revolution roll and butter, Bouillon, coffee, or tea
Lunch: Cold cuts sandwich on Diet revolution Roll w/ mayo or mustard, 1 cup of salad (loosely packed), oil & vinegar, or a dressing from the recipe list, Raspberry gelatin, Diet soda, coffee, or tea
Dinner: Chicken soup with Matzoh Balls, Your favorite cut of steak, Caesar salad with Caesar Salad dressing, Gelatin, diet soda, coffee or tea
Snack: baken-ets, stuffed celery, diet soda.
Sample menu, level two:
Breakfast: Lox and stuffed onion omelet, caraway Diet revolution Roll with cream cheese, Bouillon, coffee, or tea
Lunch: Avocado stuffed with crabmeat, Tossed green salad with dressing from recipe list, diet soda, coffee, or tea
Dinner: Mixed grill with garlic Butter Sauce or Béarnaise Sauce, Tossed salad with French Dressing, Gelatin Parfait with whipped cream, diet soda, coffee, or tea
Snack: Assorted smoked fish, Hard cheese, Diet soda
Ok, there it is 'By The Book', but I am wondering if there was an earlier version? Interesting the differance between this one and the new one. I will post some recipes later in this thread
I copied this from the activelowcarber forum. It was a post written in 2003. I use it as my reference.
*NOTE* This is from the book, Bantam edition / September 1972 paperback...
Not sixty grams of carbohydrate on this diet but zero grams
Here’s how this diet is significantly different. During the first week on this diet, you cut your intake of carbohydrates down to what is biologically zero.
This creates a unique chemical situation in the body, the one favorable to the fastest possible burning of your body’s stored fat. Ketones are excreted, and hunger disappears.
You see, the first fuel your body burns for energy comes from the carbohydrates you eat and drink. If any carbohydrate is available, your body burns this rather than stored fat-and maintains its old metabolic pathways. But carbohydrates, as such, are not stored in the body beyond forty-eight hours.
So when no carbohydrate is taken in, your body must draw upon the major reserve source of fuel-the stored fat.
It is forced to take a different metabolic pathway. In this process your body converts from being a carbohydrate-burning engine.
This is The Diet Revolution: the new chemical situation in which ketones are being thrown off-and so are those unwanted pounds, all without hunger.
A gradual addition of carbohydrate to keep your body burning it’s fat as fuel. We must maintain this chemical situation if you’re to continue to lose without hunger. And if we add carbohydrate very gradually in tiny amounts-we can do just this… keep your body converted into a fat-burning engine.
So that is just what we do. The second week you might add a few grams of carbohydrate to your diet. Every week thereafter a little more carbohydrate (around five grams) may be returned to the diet.
The Rules of Original Atkins
The Diet Revolution Rules (Level One)
1. Don’t count calories
2. Eat as much of the allowed foods as you need to avoid hunger.
3. Don’t eat when you are not hungry.
4. Don’t feel you must finish everything on your plate just because it is there.
5. Drink as much water or calorie free beverages as thirst requires. Don’t restrict fluids… but it is not necessary to force them either.
6. Frequent small meals are preferable.
7. If weakness results from rapid weight loss, you may need salt.
8. Everyday take a high-strength multivitamin pill.
9. Read the labels on “low-calorie" drinks, syrups, desserts,. Only those with no carbohydrate content are allowed.
The First Life-Changing Week, eat nothing that is not on the list.
Meat: Steaks, Corned beef, Lamb chops, tongue, Hamburgers, Bacon, Any kind of meat in any quantity—except meat with fillers such as sausage, hot dogs, meatballs, most packaged “cold cuts"
Fowl: Duckling, Turkey, Chicken, Anything with wings, No stuffing
Desserts: Gelatin with artificial sweeteners (e.g., D-Zerta [is that still around?])
Condiments: Salt, pepper, mustard, horseradish, vinegar, vanilla, and other extracts; artificial sweeteners; any dry powdered spice that contains no sugar
Drinks: Water, Mineral water, Vichy, Club soda; Beef or Chicken broth, bouillon; Sugar free diet soda; coffee*, tea, decaffeinated coffee
---------*Special note on caffeine and Diet Cola. Because most heavy people have some hypoglycemia, coffee, which contains caffeine, should be limited to six servings a day (cups). If you know you have low blood sugar, better limit it to three.
Fish: All fish, including canned salmon, tuna; any kind of seafood, including oil-packed and smoked, except oysters, clams, muscles, scallops, and pickled fish
Eggs: Boiled, fried, scrambled, poached, omelet – any style and without limitations
Salads: Two small green salads a day (each less than one cupful, loosely packed) made only of leafy greens, celery, or cucumbers and radishes. Dressings with vinegar, oil, salt, dry spices, herbs, grated cheese, or anchovies. Or else a sour pickle in place of a salad. Plus… green olives.
Butter & Mayonnaise Fats: Butter, margarine (head New Diet Revolution & eat no margarine with trans fatty acids), oils, shortening (not such a great idea), lard & mayonnaise (fats have no carbohydrates).
Juice: Juice of one lemon or lime
Cheese: Four ounces a day of any hard aged cheese. No cream cheese or cheese spreads.
Heavy Cream: Four teaspoons a day. (Cream has less carbohydrate than milk – so don’t use milk)
Diet Revolution Salad Material: Celery, Chicory, Chinese Cabbage, Chives, Cucumber, Endive, Escarole, Fennel, lettuce, Olives (Green or Black), Onions, Pickles (Sour or Dill), Parsley, Peppers, Radishes, Scallions, watercress.
What Happens After The First Week’s Diet. Most diets are fixed formulas and are therefore short-termed and self-limiting. This diet is fixed only for a week. After that – because it must be a lifetime diet, it is, as variable as are individual tastes.
I’ve labeled the additions of carbohydrate that follow’ second level’, ‘third level’, ‘fourth level’, ‘fifth level’, but in fact the additions are interchangeable and flexible. You can make any of these additions any week that you choose. I am so committed to making this a livable lifetime diet that I am letting you select your own variations, within the rules set up by your biological rulebook.
Put back what you’ve missed the most: The idea is simply to gradually return to your diet first what you missed most. Custom-tailor the diet to suit your carbohydrate additions to suit your lifestyle. All that matters is that you add back to your diet a little carbohydrate at a time, and that you stop adding carbohydrate when you reach your CCL.
How to know when to put back a little carbohydrate: Ask yourself: Are the keto-stix still turning purple? Am I still un-hungry? Have I stopped eating at night? Do I have more energy? Am I still losing weight or inches nicely? Remember, your tape measure is a lot better friend than your scale, not only more accurate, but better able to report on the actual fat (not just temporary water) losses this diet achieves.
The Second Level: Cheesecake for dessert? At each level, remember you add approximately five to eight grams of carbohydrate daily for a week and analyze the results. Most people agree the best way to handle the second level is to add cottage cheese…
The Diet Revolution Vegetables (not for level one): All of the above plus; Asparagus, Avocado, Bamboo Shoots, Bean Sprouts, Beet Greens, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Chard, Chinese Cabbage, eggplant, Kale, Kohlrabi, Mushrooms, Okra, Onions, Peppers, Pumpkins, Rhubarb, Sauerkraut, Snow Pea Pods, Spinach, String Beans, Summer Squash, Tomatoes, Turnips, Water Chestnuts, Wax Beans, Zucchini Squash
Sample menu, level one:
Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with spicy ham, Diet revolution roll and butter, Bouillon, coffee, or tea
Lunch: Cold cuts sandwich on Diet revolution Roll w/ mayo or mustard, 1 cup of salad (loosely packed), oil & vinegar, or a dressing from the recipe list, Raspberry gelatin, Diet soda, coffee, or tea
Dinner: Chicken soup with Matzoh Balls, Your favorite cut of steak, Caesar salad with Caesar Salad dressing, Gelatin, diet soda, coffee or tea
Snack: baken-ets, stuffed celery, diet soda.
Sample menu, level two:
Breakfast: Lox and stuffed onion omelet, caraway Diet revolution Roll with cream cheese, Bouillon, coffee, or tea
Lunch: Avocado stuffed with crabmeat, Tossed green salad with dressing from recipe list, diet soda, coffee, or tea
Dinner: Mixed grill with garlic Butter Sauce or Béarnaise Sauce, Tossed salad with French Dressing, Gelatin Parfait with whipped cream, diet soda, coffee, or tea
Snack: Assorted smoked fish, Hard cheese, Diet soda
Ok, there it is 'By The Book', but I am wondering if there was an earlier version? Interesting the differance between this one and the new one. I will post some recipes later in this thread

HW: 249 SW: 229 GW: 149 Age: 63 - Body by Sauceda - 12/2011
Topic: RE: Sunday Low-CARb Accountability Roundup!
Monday 0830...
4 Ryvita and Ardennes and mushroom pate
4 ozs stilton butter and Ryvita
Pork and stilton sausages
2 Atkins bars
Coffee and fruit teas
4 Ryvita and Ardennes and mushroom pate
4 ozs stilton butter and Ryvita
Pork and stilton sausages
2 Atkins bars
Coffee and fruit teas
Topic: RE: 2 weeks of atkins, down 6 lbs!! stay in induction?
I'm a big fan of extended induction. If you have a hard time getting into/ and staying in ketosis; are prone to random unexplained weight gain; or simply have a hard time loosing weight in spite of wls and low carb living, extending induction for a bit may be right for you.
How long on induction depends upon on your body's needs and how satisfied you are with your menu/ progress. It is limiting. Even those of us who must be severe low carbers to avoid weight gain need to break from induction periodically. Variety prevents boredom. Boredom can be a sneaky sabatoure.
How long on induction depends upon on your body's needs and how satisfied you are with your menu/ progress. It is limiting. Even those of us who must be severe low carbers to avoid weight gain need to break from induction periodically. Variety prevents boredom. Boredom can be a sneaky sabatoure.
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
Links: Are you a compulsive eater? for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time Overeaters Anonymous
Topic: RE: Sunday Low-CARb Accountability Roundup!
Net carbs holding at <= 50g but I need to get my total carbs down to <=25% of caories and fats to >=45% of calories. As usual, I'm gaining weight in spite of my calorie deficit. Grrrr. Can't let that happen. Need to lay off the fruit.
mocha, smoked pork shoulder
beef bottom round, water
large protein bar, coffee
small protein bar, iced tea
fried chicken, smoked pork shoulder
cucumbers, strawberries, kiwi, fried chicken, lc flatbread
Fat(g) | Carbs(g) | Net C(g) | Prot(g) | KCals |
67.54 | 102.58 | 45.68 | 134.35 | 1451 |
Carbohydrate (28%) Fat (42%) Protein (30%) |
![]() |
Net carbs holding at <= 50g but I need to get my total carbs down to <=25% of caories and fats to >=45% of calories. As usual, I'm gaining weight in spite of my calorie deficit. Grrrr. Can't let that happen. Need to lay off the fruit.
mocha, smoked pork shoulder
beef bottom round, water
large protein bar, coffee
small protein bar, iced tea
fried chicken, smoked pork shoulder
cucumbers, strawberries, kiwi, fried chicken, lc flatbread
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
Links: Are you a compulsive eater? for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time Overeaters Anonymous
Topic: Sunday Low-CARb Accountability Roundup!
Evening everyone! I got all confuzelled by the time-change. It seems that no matter WHAT I do, I'm losing sleep, spring OR fall LOL
Okay, for today:
B: eggs, which I didn't eat, and later fed to the dog (no hollandaise)
S: coffee with full cream -- hey, where's the protein?
L: vegetable soup -- already this is not shaping up to be a healthy eating day
S: tea while grocery shopping
D: half a fish taco (last night's cold salmon, with leftover salad, in a low-carb tortilla with salsa)
My littlest kid is seriously injured and recovering slowly at home, moping and crying and in pain, so I'm sort of tired and seriously disregulated, if you know what I mean. At some point today I had frosted fudgy brownie by the spoonful and realized I was going to make myself dump if I wasn't careful, so I stopped in the nick of time, but not by much.
Obviously this day's intake was seriously low in everything important -- But accountability is accountability. My big outing today was grocery shopping, so I stocked up on high-protein goodies and veggies that I like -- so tomorrow will be a better day.
Okay, for today:
B: eggs, which I didn't eat, and later fed to the dog (no hollandaise)
S: coffee with full cream -- hey, where's the protein?
L: vegetable soup -- already this is not shaping up to be a healthy eating day
S: tea while grocery shopping
D: half a fish taco (last night's cold salmon, with leftover salad, in a low-carb tortilla with salsa)
My littlest kid is seriously injured and recovering slowly at home, moping and crying and in pain, so I'm sort of tired and seriously disregulated, if you know what I mean. At some point today I had frosted fudgy brownie by the spoonful and realized I was going to make myself dump if I wasn't careful, so I stopped in the nick of time, but not by much.
Obviously this day's intake was seriously low in everything important -- But accountability is accountability. My big outing today was grocery shopping, so I stocked up on high-protein goodies and veggies that I like -- so tomorrow will be a better day.
Interested in low-carb nutrition? Thinking of trying Atkins? Want to try high-fat and/or high-protein eating? Whether or not you have had (or are thinking about) WLS
I thought maybe an equivalent would be beef broth or consome',something like that?
Topic: RE: 2 weeks of atkins, down 6 lbs!! stay in induction?
Congratulations, you!!!
Many people feel so satisfied with progress during Induction, that they are reluctant to phase themselves into Ongoing Weight Loss. I mean, why mess with success, ehhhhhhh?
BUT! The long-term objective is to change your way of eating, and the way this happens is by estabishing healthy habits over a longer period of time. This is entirely unfamiliar to most of us. But think about this, are you really going to stay on Induction your whole life? Or, like most people, are you going to have to ease your way into eating a wider variety of foods for a lifetime?
Atkins himself used to complain that people tend to think that the Induction phase is the whole Atkins plan -- and it's not. Ideally, you start climbing the Atkins Carb Ladder after youi've gotten yourself safely into benign dietary ketosis during the Induction Phase:
Phase 1, Induction:
Rung 1: Foundation vegetables: leafy greens and other low-carb vegetables
Rung 2: Dairy foods high in fat and low in carbs: cream, sour cream, and most hard cheeses
Phase 2, Ongoing Weight Loss:
Rung 3: Nuts and seeds (but not chestnuts)
Rung 4: Berries, cherries, and melon (but no****ermelon)
Rung 5: Whole milk yogurt and fresh cheeses, such as cottage cheese and ricotta
Rung 6: Legumes, including chickpeas, lentils, and the like.
Rung 7: Tomato and vegetable juice “****tail" (plus more lemon and lime juice)
Pre-Maintenance and Lifetime Maintenance:
Rung 8: Other fruits (but not fruit juices or dried fruits)
Rung 9: Higher-carb vegetables, such as winter squash, carrots, and peas
Rung 10: Whole grains
You can read all about it here. I'm curious to know what you think you'd like to choose -- but I'm all for gradually adding a few more grams of carbs/week so that you're eating more healthfully and are more satisfied with this way of eating.
Many people feel so satisfied with progress during Induction, that they are reluctant to phase themselves into Ongoing Weight Loss. I mean, why mess with success, ehhhhhhh?
BUT! The long-term objective is to change your way of eating, and the way this happens is by estabishing healthy habits over a longer period of time. This is entirely unfamiliar to most of us. But think about this, are you really going to stay on Induction your whole life? Or, like most people, are you going to have to ease your way into eating a wider variety of foods for a lifetime?
Atkins himself used to complain that people tend to think that the Induction phase is the whole Atkins plan -- and it's not. Ideally, you start climbing the Atkins Carb Ladder after youi've gotten yourself safely into benign dietary ketosis during the Induction Phase:
Phase 1, Induction:
Rung 1: Foundation vegetables: leafy greens and other low-carb vegetables
Rung 2: Dairy foods high in fat and low in carbs: cream, sour cream, and most hard cheeses
Phase 2, Ongoing Weight Loss:
Rung 3: Nuts and seeds (but not chestnuts)
Rung 4: Berries, cherries, and melon (but no****ermelon)
Rung 5: Whole milk yogurt and fresh cheeses, such as cottage cheese and ricotta
Rung 6: Legumes, including chickpeas, lentils, and the like.
Rung 7: Tomato and vegetable juice “****tail" (plus more lemon and lime juice)
Pre-Maintenance and Lifetime Maintenance:
Rung 8: Other fruits (but not fruit juices or dried fruits)
Rung 9: Higher-carb vegetables, such as winter squash, carrots, and peas
Rung 10: Whole grains
You can read all about it here. I'm curious to know what you think you'd like to choose -- but I'm all for gradually adding a few more grams of carbs/week so that you're eating more healthfully and are more satisfied with this way of eating.
Interested in low-carb nutrition? Thinking of trying Atkins? Want to try high-fat and/or high-protein eating? Whether or not you have had (or are thinking about) WLS
Low Carb High Protein Chocolate Cake
Just posted this on the VSG board - here is the link:
This is an adaptation from the Healthy Indulgences website - a new discovery for me that I really like.
Just posted this on the VSG board - here is the link:
This is an adaptation from the Healthy Indulgences website - a new discovery for me that I really like.