Adirondack Medical Center Support Group
Recent Posts
Topic: RE: Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas Rodney! Hope you had a great day and a Happy New Year! When is the next support meeting? talk to you soon!!
Topic: RE: Happy Holidays
Pain is temporary, the journey is for Life!!!
Happy Holidays to you Rodney and your family, Hope the Holidays bring Great Joy to all.
Pain is temporary, the journey is for Life!!!
Topic: Happy Holidays
I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Holiday Season, Festive Yule time, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukkah and a Prosperous, safe New Year! :)
Topic: RE: The next Plattsburgh Support Group Meeting
I can't wait. I am so excited to be able to give a post op update. See you there!
Topic: The next Plattsburgh Support Group Meeting
Our next meeting is Dec 29th. We had a great meeting in November and I am looking forward to talking with everyone for our Dec. meeting
Topic: RE: Had Surgery
Pain is temporary, the journey is for Life!!!
Congrats on your surgery, and to the new you

Pain is temporary, the journey is for Life!!!
Topic: RE: Had Surgery
Glad to hear you are doing well. Looking forward to seeing you at our next meeting on the 29th. Heal fast and feel better.
Topic: Had Surgery
Had lap band surgery yesterday. I'm home now and I'm doing well. The Adirondack Medical Center team are very supportive. Everyone made my sugery experience a "walk in the park". I'd recommend Dr. Moon to anyone considering surgery.
Topic: RE: Resolve
This is a timely post for me. Tomorrow I begin the 9 day pre-surgery diet. I am resolving to stay on this diet to give my liver a chance to shrink. I see that this "action" will have positive impact on the "outcome".