Adirondack Medical Center Support Group
Welcome to the New Members!
Hello everyone, I first went to the informational meeting the end of Sept. 09. With the hopes of lap band. I have been to AMC every month since then. I have changed my mind to a RNY. Dr. Hixon okay'ed me to have surgery on 4/13/10, and things were suppose to be forwarded to my insurence company. My company called me about double reinbursement or something like that. I was excited and asked if all my preauthorization stuff was there and cleared. They have nothing there. I was so upset I cried. Then she said they have up to 45 days to clear me. so now I am just here disapointed. But thanks for the add :)
Well, my journey with AMC has come to an end despite the fact that my pouch is stretched, despite the struggle I am having to lose weight-however-they offered me to be able to participate in a meal replacement program....sorry but no thanks-I already have the tool I just wanted it fixed and they pretty much said good luck and sent me on my way which I completely did not expect-I thought for sure they would help me!!!!!I am devastated, so disappointed-all I do is cry.......