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Group Leader: AngelaDeWispelaere 1 Member | Started on May 18, 2011 Weight loss surgery support group for those from Northern Colorado including Loveland, Fort Collins, Greeley, and surrounding areas. | |
Cursillo Via De Cristo
(Twin Cities, MN ) Group Leader: decolores 2 Members | Started on May 16, 2011 This is a Christian spirituality group for Christians who have been part of a 3 day renewal weekend such as Roman Catholic or Episcopal Cursillo, Methodist Walk to Emmaus, Lutheran Via De Cristo, Unidad en Chistos through the United Church of Christ or congregational churches or the Great Banquet through evangelical congregations. It is a spirituality group that hopes to be fun, supportive, p... | |
Vanderbilt Surgical Weight Loss Support Group
(Nashville, TN ) Group Leader: troup76 61 Members | Started on May 14, 2011 This group has been setup as a supplement to the support group meetings at the center. Vanderbilt offers three procedures for surgical weight loss; LapBand, Sleeve, and Gastric. All three procedures can be discussed within this group. Please keep in mind that this group is managed by a VSWL patient. | |
Group Leader: blynxcqat 17 Members | Started on May 11, 2011 This is a group for people suffering with Body Image problems due to sagging skin and scarring from rapid weight loss, or excessive weight gain. | |
Group Leader: andmitch 1 Member | Started on May 11, 2011 To learn ways of how to lose weight and feel better. | |
Group Leader: andmitch 14 Members | Started on May 11, 2011 To learn some great products to use after gastric by pass sugery when you have to go on a liquid diet for the next month or so. | |
300 Pounds to Lose
(, ) Group Leader: imitation700mb 5 Members | Started on May 11, 2011 300 Pounds to Lose is a group for any OH members who have over 300 pounds to lose. You are also welcome if you have already lost over 300 pounds. All of us can help each other and share advice & support. We all can get through it. | |
(, ) Group Leader: Reformed_Gourmande 2 Members | Started on May 7, 2011 | |
Group Leader: ToriRaye 42 Members | Started on May 7, 2011 Central Florida (Ocala, Orlando, etc) patients or potential patients of Dr. Jawad. This is a great group of supporting friends gathering together to help each other through questions, share experiences and become friends in being Loser's on the Winning End!! | |
Group Leader: TiEmmeS 9 Members | Started on May 7, 2011 This group is for anyone who had their weight loss surgery (WLS) in May 2011, to be in support of one another. This group WELCOMES advice and support from those who have gone before us and from those who want to cheer us on!!! |