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Group Leader: mrshelgeson 11 Members | Started on July 1, 2011 A place for people to gather for moral support and a lending ear when needed... | |
mental months
(, ) Group Leader: downunder86 6 Members | Started on June 29, 2011 Mental Months is a group for supporting the emotional and metal health of those going through weight loss surgery....it should encourage those to express opinions, share stories and give support...its not just physical.... | |
Boston Area WLS Support Group
(Boston, MA 02111) Group Leader: score3381 55 Members | Started on June 27, 2011 Welcome to the Boston Area WLS Support Group!
The goal is for this group to be a safe place for any person who has had WLS (weight loss surgery, in case acronyms aren't your thing), or is considering it and wants to know more about what to expect.
I'd like us to support each other through our celebrations, frustrations, set backs and evrything in between. If you're looking for other... | |
Running to Lose
(, ) Group Leader: runfatgirlrun 3 Members | Started on June 25, 2011 weight loss surgery and excercise | |
Sleevers Excercise
(, ) Group Leader: Valsdetermined2lose 25 Members | Started on June 25, 2011 Welcome to "Sleevers Excercise" this is a group for people who had VSG and want to motivate themselves and others on excercise | |
OH _Singles
(, ) Group Leader: charlee 5 Members | Started on June 24, 2011 Hi, Everyone! Please help me make this a place where wls people can chat, meet, and maybe find a compatible other to share our life after wls! | |
Gastric Bypass Support Group of Ontario
(Oshawa, ON L1K 2S5) Group Leader: Smiles1967 75 Members | Started on June 23, 2011
My goal is to not only help you with your decision to increase your weight loss but to also assist you in keeping the weight off after your surgery. This you will achieve through ongoing support, encouragement, healthy lifestyle modifications and fitness. This group will provide you wi... | |
Milledgeville Bariatric Support Group
(Milledgeville, GA 31061) Group Leader: rebecca110 6 Members | Started on June 22, 2011 The focus of our group is to provide support for the processes of getting ready for surgery emotionally, ongoing support as changes take place in our life as a result of loosing large amounts of weight and for motivation to stay with our food program designed by each person's dietician. | |
July 2011 Sleevers
(, ) Group Leader: Hansi 13 Members | Started on June 19, 2011 If you're having surgery in March 2011, this is a place to come and speak to those who are going through the same things/stages you are. We welcome each and every person no matter where you are in your process. | |
Forskolin Forum
(, ) Group Leader: r4life 1 Member | Started on June 16, 2011 |