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Group Leader: bypassgirl64 1 Member | Started on May 7, 2012 Talking about what are some strange things you are experiencing after your surgery. | |
Group Leader: MONI0919 2 Members | Started on May 5, 2012 hispano | |
Capital District of NY (AMCH)
(Albany, NY 12203) Group Leader: debbie13 117 Members | Started on May 5, 2012 A support group for all in any phase of the process of weight loss surgery. Nutrition, exercise, daily life, relationships, any thing and everything can be discussed here. No such thing as TMI! | |
Tennessee Valley WLS
(Chattanooga, TN 37327) Group Leader: zeke 9 Members | Started on May 2, 2012 Tennessee WLS. Support, Love and help to those who have questions about the different surgeries. Tips for being successful. Ideas on what to eat, exercise or just sharing your journey with us. | |
Group Leader: sharon C. 3 Members | Started on April 17, 2012 For those on the beginning jorney to starting a new life with WLS | |
Group Leader: IridescentPurple 12 Members | Started on April 16, 2012 For those with Lipedema, Lymphedema or both looking into WLS or those who already had WLS | |
(Fife, WA 98424) Group Leader: wdp1015 10 Members | Started on April 10, 2012 This group contains Adult Content | |
Group Leader: AZ-Bypass-lady 1 Member | Started on April 7, 2012 I am starting this group because it seems like the existing ones are mostly inactive. Would love to build a community of weight loss surgery patients that could support each other online and possibly in person. If you just need someone local who may have the same surgeon, or who you can laugh and cry with, this is the group for you!
Let's support each other in a non-judgmental loving way | |
Group Leader: rebelmama 4 Members | Started on April 1, 2012 I am curious about the amount of weight loss from the 2 types of surgeries above. My son and best friend had the bypass, so I know how fast they have lost it. But I am having a hard time finding someone who has had the sleeve procedure and how their weight loss has been. How much?? How quick?? would you do the smae procedure or switch to the other one?? | |
Lake County IL WLS
(, ) Group Leader: steffie78 1 Member | Started on March 31, 2012 This group is dedicated to support weight loss surgery patients in Northern IL or Lake County. |