Welcome July 9, 2011 1:35 pm
Hi I look forward 2 hearing from you, I'm 11 days out from my Gastric Sleeve or as Kaiser and Pacific Bariatrics calls it 'Bariatric Sleeve'.
I was so scared before the operation, I'm 62 have had many serious surgeries but because of my age & the life changing prospect this was a hard decision to make. But I found the courage and did it! YEA , I did it!....Now I couldn't be happier. Hungry, not so much, but I do miss not 'chewing' not sharing meals with my family & friends, but I have to keep reminding myself, although this may be life changing I will someday (in the near future) be able to eat with pleasure again, just not the Quantity, so then my Food becomes Quality no matter what I choose to eat.
Remember it didn't take me a day to become this fat...so not just a day to loose it.
At my highest weight I was 264 pounds, & that's allot of weight for a gal just 5 feet tall. I started the Kaiser Health Education Classes in July 2010 that ended in October 2010, and lost 28 pounds during that period. My surgery was on June 28,2011 & I had lost 7 pounds between the end of the classes & the surgery. Now, I'm at 212.8 pounds and going down....YEA.... ....
I love Water Aerobics that I take at LA Fitness 4 days a week (altho I'm on hold until 4-6 weeks post op). This is low impact & just a fun way to move your body!
So today, I found this web site and thought I'd love to talk to others that are post op & excited about this. Actually I'd love 2 hear from you that are Pre Op, let me put your mind at rest this is 'Life Changing' but it's a TOOL. A tool that will finally allow us to successful with dieting & loosing Weight.....
Talk 2 Me, Share...I'll share anything & I hope to be SUPPORT for anyone that wants or needs it.
I'm passing my Love and Really looking forward to hearing from you....
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