Oklahoma Satellite Support Group

Recent Posts

on 1/27/10 11:53 am - Allen, OK
Topic: Hello Group I just Joined!
I am new to this group. I am a patient of Dr. Broussard at weight Wise. I have went through all my tests and have February and March to go then it is just a matter of insurance approval so hopefully by April maybe I will be sharing my success with you all. Today is mine and my Husband John's 26th Anniversary! I look forward to getting to know you all. Have a great night!
on 6/15/08 3:43 am - Oklahoma City, OK
Topic: Thomas' (Cowboyonfire) Goodbye Letter

reposted from OK Forum: Post Date: 6/15/08 7:42 am Last Edit: 6/15/08 7:48 am Yes, it's almost that time...I've shared many a meal with you....you've given me some of the best times of my life....you've cost me a TON of cash with your indulgent needs.....You've let me have too much rum on many occasions only to say you didn't like it later that evening.... You made me happy when I needed to be comforted....you've taken my pride and twisted it into something that I don't match up to....you've pushed the boundries of my coveted and wonderful timberland shorts.....you made me look bad at the beach....you made it ok to be included in fat jokes.... BUT... I want a divorce....  it's not you it's ME....I need some space...We can be friends, but soon, you won't be able to reach me and I won't know where you will be....When the goodtimes were good, they were awesome, when the bad times were around..they really stuck AROUND.... So I'll think fondly of our time together...but don't worry about me...i'll be fine... and hey....seriously....don't try to "google me" or try to find me later....i won't be there.... I've got "ALL MY FRIENDS" who have gone through the same hate-love relationhip that you and I have... Goodbye belly of mine...   I'll always take a little piece of you with me...goodbye.... The final push is on for me...  I'm excited...  I have no reservations....  YOU GUYS AND GALS have made it possible to be calm about this stuff....  T.

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           Certified OH Support Group Leader
                               THE ABILITY TO CONTINUE IN THE PRESENCE OF FEAR.


on 4/20/08 3:19 am - Edmond, OK
Topic: RE: Graduate Group?
Ruth, Thanks for your message.  I'll get your # to my wife for surgery.  She is doing a bit better right now.  The Dr. told her she could go back to work part time this week, so of course she went for about 50 hours.  For her, that is part time, but I think she is planning to get some rest this weekend.  The baby still seems to be doing fine in there - definitely growing! We are having a Little League tournament tomorrow here in Edmond, so that will probably take up most of the day - and possibly Sunday as well.  We'll see how it goes. I had gotten a little worried about the doc telling me that I couldn't lift for 6-8 weeks, and then I was going to be in trouble.  I have my mother lined up to come and stay with us to help for at least a week, and possibly two after surgery.  Also have my brother and brother-in-law pretty close at hand for emergencies, so I think I'm all set there.   I've got to fly out for a regional staff meeting in San Antonion on Monday, and won't be bac****il Wed. evening, and then have my appointment at 9:00 on Thursday.  I'm a little nervous about managing to get the last two pounds off and keep them off through all the dinners and drinks that will be part of the meeting, but I think I'm pretty well mentally prepared.  I also think that with no kids to get ready in the morning, I may be able to get on the treadmill early and late while I'm there... maybe that will help. I should still be online off and on, but I won't have a scale to check up on myself....there go my nerves again.  Seriously, though, I think I'll be OK.  At least until I have that appointment on Thursday - I may be a big bundle of nerves after that... we'll see. As for you - keep on getting in the water... eventually you WILL land the right one.  (and a lucky one he'll be to have someone like you!) Have a great weekend.  I'll try to keep an eye out on the boards for the news! John
on 4/19/08 9:02 am - Oklahoma City, OK
Topic: RE: Graduate Group?
John: The water is just going to have to wait until I can catch up at the office!!  I am just not into it right now.  I am wayyyy behind and need to kick it in gear asap so that I can catch up. I'm glad Charlotte (?) is feeling better.  Sounds like you can't keep a good woman down!!  :-)  I hope I got her name right.....   that's sad my memory is soooo bad! I spent most of the day with my grandbabies while my daughter/sil shopped.  I have been so out of it all day, allergies, medication, stress..yada Keep up the good work and don't worry about the rest falling off.  It will do it!  Just follow your instructions and it will happen!!!! Much hugs!!  R

       Glitter Text Generator    350/326/173current/159goal
           Certified OH Support Group Leader
                               THE ABILITY TO CONTINUE IN THE PRESENCE OF FEAR.


on 4/18/08 10:02 am - Oklahoma City, OK
Topic: RE: Graduate Group?
John: The Graduate meeting was good.  There were only about 6 of us there.  But the conversation was good.  It was kind of like a mini-psych consult actually.  haha... You can sneak into anything you want to buddy!  It isn't an EXCLUSIVE club!!  I am doing well.  Really whipped lately.  Allergies, overworked, business is crazy busy, etc.  I'm still a little bummed about the "one" that got away.  But life has to go on!  I'm sticking my toe in the water a little bit, but just not connecting.   Be happy you don't have to do the singles thing anymore!! UGH! How are the wife, baby and kids?  I saw your question about being able to lift your little one.  I think as long as you are comfortable, you can do whatever you want.  Dr. B basically said the same thing last night.  Support group was good last night.  Dr. B talks and talks.  You got to love him!  Good questions too! Michelle S saw my before pics and would not believe it was actually me.  It was pretty funny!  Now I have BOTH of you to visit on 5 May at the hospital!!  We have 2 next week from here - LakeGirl and Liz both - LakeGirl is Wednesday, Liz is Monday.  It's awesome!! Keep up the great work and you will have no issues with your preop appointment!  I'll send you my phone number on private message in case you need anything!  Rita will have it as well. See you soon!!! R

       Glitter Text Generator    350/326/173current/159goal
           Certified OH Support Group Leader
                               THE ABILITY TO CONTINUE IN THE PRESENCE OF FEAR.


on 4/18/08 12:39 am - Edmond, OK
Topic: Graduate Group?
Ruth, How was the graduate group meeting on Wednesday?  I'm looking forward to sneaking into the one next April  - even though it will be a couple weeks less than one year...  I would guess that group is not nearly as large as the regular monthly, and that you have a lot of different topics to discuss. Hope all is well with you.  Thanks for your updates from yesterday's meeting.   I'm still going on my pre-op diet... was down to the last 2 pounds as of Wed. - have not weighed again since then. Have a great weekend. John
on 4/9/08 10:27 am - Oklahoma City, OK
Topic: Xpost Important Vitamin Information!!
Hey Gang - I wanted to xpost this because it is VERY VERY Important!!!  

Post Date: 4/8/08 10:23 pm
VITAMINS - FOR LIFE!!! Does everyone hear this???? VITAMINS FOR LIFE!!!

I work in an Occupational Health Clinic but I have several patients who are WLSers (mostly RNY because that's what's available in our area). Anyway... I was doing a routine physical on one of these patients today - she's about 19 months post-op. She has been having some problems for a few months but has been afraid to see the surgeon because she hasn't taken ANY vitamins for about 9 months (and prior to that it wa**** and miss) and doesn't want to get lectured. She's been getting tingling and weakness in her hands and feet and she can't concentrate. She bursts into tears for no reason at all (which she did during the exam) and it seems to be getting worse.

So... as I'm doing her exam - she starts to get slurred speech and her neurological status starts to deteriorate quickly - can't remember where she is or what year it is. I call 911 and they whisk her off to the ER. I thought she was having a stroke!


She will be hospitalized for quite a while to TRY to correct this problem, but I don't know if she will ever be the same.


YOU ARE NOT IMMUNE TO THIS! You could have the most balanced diet on earth, but you still can't absorb the vits that you need from your food so supplementation is necessary for life - I don't care how good your 3, 6, or 12 month labs look...if you stop taking the vits - you WILL develop deficiencies and you may suffer potentially irreversible complications - including death.

OK - I'll grudgingly step down off my soap box now. But have I made my point????!!!


PLEASE FOLLOW YOUR SURGEON'S VITAMIN INSTRUCTIONS!  IT IS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!!!  If you have questions, please see your surgeon or NUT for direction. 


       Glitter Text Generator    350/326/173current/159goal
           Certified OH Support Group Leader
                               THE ABILITY TO CONTINUE IN THE PRESENCE OF FEAR.


on 4/7/08 11:31 am - Oklahoma City, OK
Topic: Hello and Welcome!!!
Welcome everyone!  If you have anything you want to ask, please do so.  If I don't have the answer, I will do my best to get it for you.  I am going to post things on-going in the message boards that are hopefully helpful to all of us, pre and post op.   If you have a topic that needs to be covered, please let me know!  Thanks for coming!!

       Glitter Text Generator    350/326/173current/159goal
           Certified OH Support Group Leader
                               THE ABILITY TO CONTINUE IN THE PRESENCE OF FEAR.

