Oklahoma Satellite Support Group
Information and Stuff!!! June 9, 2008 3:56 am Sorry I have been so bad about posting lately - it has been a crazy few weeks for me.
Be the first to leave a comment.The July support group meetings are scheduled for the WeightWise Marketplace to present information on the supplements available. I don't know what that will entail at this point yet, but I hope they have some samples for you guys!! We have had so many surgeries the past few weeks - month - it is awesome to see how things are moving along! I know everyone has issues when they first start out, purely because it is uncharted territory for themselves. Please know that there is an extremely large repository of experience and information on Obesity Help and through your own support groups. On top of everything, be sure to keep your surgeon/dietitian in the loop if you have questions. This is what they do, day to day, and that is what they are there for!! We have 3 walking groups going on in the Greater OKC area now - Edmond, Midwest City and South OKC. If you would like information, please post and we'll get you what you need for the one closest to you. We enjoy the time we spend together - it doesn't even feel like exercise!! We have a meet & greet going on as well. Yes, we know it is food related, please do not let that keep you away! We understand every one is in different places in their journey, we'll work it out for you! We just want to meet you and have a little social interaction!! Let us know how things are going - post often and loudly! Love to all!! Ruth
June Weight Wise Support Group... May 15, 2008 9:05 am The scheduled speaker for the June Support Group is Dr. Jayesh Panchall, M.D. who is a Plastic Surgeon practicing out of Foundation Bariatric Hospital of Edmond and the University of Oklahoma Medical Center.
Be the first to leave a comment.Come early - this speaker usually draws a large crowd!!
Ramblings....sorry it has taken me... May 8, 2008 10:36 am Sorry it has taken so long between blogs, it has been really busy in my world and I just have failed to report back here! I hope everyone is doing well in their journey and is staying on the mark!!
Be the first to leave a comment.We have two newly sleeved in our group - John and Michelle had surgery on 5/5 and are doing well in their first few days. We have several scheduled for surgery coming up - please keep them in your prayers! I know we ALL struggle from time to time - I found these quotes and wanted to share them with you: No one ever won a chess game by betting on each move. Sometimes you have to move backward to get a step forward. -- Amar Gopal Bose Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. -- Confucius You don't drown by falling in the water; you drown by staying there. -- Edwin Louis Cole If there exists no possibility of failure, then victory is meaningless. -- Robert H. Schuller I am not judged by the number of times I fail, but by the number of times I succeed; and the number of times I succeed is in direct proportion to the number of times I can fail and keep on trying. -- Tom Hopkins
Walking in the Park April 26, 2008 11:18 am ![]() Well, tomorrow morning is the 5k walk and I thought today that I might just go ahead with it. But as the day progresses, I am talking myself out of it because of the "mess" of getting into the downtown area and wading my way through 20000 other bodies to the 'corral' to start. But after the walk with the ladies today, I know that I CAN do it, since we did 2.8 miles today and the 5k equals 3.1 miles. I think in my mind that is all I need to know! My legs will never be the same, but it is strangely a good feeling! I will try to make it next Saturday morning at 8:30 am at Mitch Park for Round 2!! Don't forget about Support Group on Thursday night. I will constantly preach about consistent support being the way to successful bariatric patients. Keep on keeping on! Love to all!! R
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April 24, 2008 8:21 am Sorry I haven't blogged in a few days. It has been crazy at work and I just don't always have the energy in the evenings!
Be the first to leave a comment.You guys know if you need me to post a message and I'll see it within a couple hours though. You can also IM me on yahoo [email protected] and it will get to me as well. Congratulations to LakeGirl and Liz on their surgeries this past week! Welcome to the losers side and here are blessings for a rapid recovery and loss!! We have John & Michelle both scheduled for May 5th and a couple others too that I cannot remember off the top of my little bitty head right now. Hang in there if you are on your pre-op diets. It takes a lot of disclipline to make it through without gaining the weight. But it is ALL worth it in the end. For those of us suffering or stressing through our post-op diets, UGGH I know the feeling! Stay the course and good things will come!! Just remember it is a TOOL!!! We still have to do the work!! Hugs and kisses to all!! R |