Vanderbilt Surgical Weight Loss Support Group

Hello and Welcome to Vanderbilt Surgical Weight Loss (VSWL) Support Group. This group is managed by a VSWL patient and is intended to be a supplement to the support group meetings at the center. We hope that you feel free to ask questions, share your story and connect with others that are on the same journey as you. This group is not led by a medical professional and is not meant to replace the advice of your physician. For more information, check out our participation guidelines: Keep in mind that the procedure you select is something that is personal between you and your physician. Everyone has different reasons for selecting certain procedures, but no matter which you choose, we’re here to support you before and after your surgery. We look forward to taking our in-person support group relationships to a more consistent and connected level online. Join us.General Information
Location: Nashville, TN Group Created: May 14, 2011Members: 5411 Years Ago | |
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