VSG Victory begins in February 2011
Pre Surgery Jitters?
Yay!!! Another 2/28 sleever to join me! Congrats!
I am mostly excited, but I've thought about some of the same things as you. I'm mostly scared of the head hunger, exercise motivation level and overall failure. However.....The head hunger will fade, I will do what I can (hopefully) with exercise (which I think will become easier and more enjoyable in time) and I really don't think failure will be as possible as I fear. With such a teeny tummy, I should develop new eating habits whether I want to or not! I'm going to have a VERY hard time with taking little sips and chewing little bites to a pulp...but I know my stomach will teach me a lesson very quickly. And just think, when you get old...you'll already be used to chewing your food into a puree! Kidding...you will EVENTUALLY be able to chew more normally, but still thoroughly. You'll get much of your nourishment in non-food ways for a little while (vitamins/supplements and protien shakes), but soon enough you will start getting more out of your food. NOTsaying that you will never have to take vit/supplements or shakes again....many people still do later down the road as an easier way to get some things they are lacking...or just for the boost.
And ask yourself this question.....what will you be like when you are old if you DON'T do this? That will probably get you on the phone ordering those plane tickets faster than anything!
For now...enjoy the ride, it's about to get wild!
Do you have a VSG scheduled for the month of February 2011? Join us at "VSG Victory begins in February 2011".
HW:260 SD: date not set SW: we shall see!

Now, open surgery...that's a little more to recover from.
Mine will be laproscopic, which most surgeons do now, but I don't know how many holes yet. I'll be asking my surgeon on the 1st.
Do you have a VSG scheduled for the month of February 2011? Join us at "VSG Victory begins in February 2011".
HW:260 SD: date not set SW: we shall see!

Do you have a VSG scheduled for the month of February 2011? Join us at "VSG Victory begins in February 2011".
HW:260 SD: date not set SW: we shall see!