VSG Maintenance Group

15 Hours Ago

Good morning!

2 Days Ago

118.8 - bit-weekly injection taken last night

We made it home yesterday after a nice brunch with our friends. One was a friend who went into cardiac arrest 4 years ago and barely survived. Then 2 years ago he had cancer in his salivary glands w

3 Days Ago

Still at the hotel so no weight. The hotel here is only a year old and has tons of restaurants and casual eating spots, 2 beautiful pools, and lovely rooms with wonderful water views (even if no balcony). But it has very low occupancy. It makes it easy

4 Days Ago

No weight as SIL and I are at a hotel in my former Florida town.

We made the 3 hour boring trek across Florida yesterday afternoon. We are staying in a new resort on the water built by Allegiant Air after I sold my house 3 years ago. Nice view

5 Days Ago

119 - feels good to have my weight settle back down, not that it was that high. Old tapes as Peps pointed out.

I stunk at golf yesterday though I had fun. I took the max at 8 of the 9 holes. BUT I got to practice getting out of the sand and act

6 Days Ago

120.8 - yes the scale digits can definitely be unnerving as Peps pointed out. That 121 I saw a few days ago was the day after I had half a Reuben. I had another half yesterday, so maybe once I stop having them it wi

7 Days Ago

120.7 - almost 1 pound lower than yesterday. Hopefully getting back into a normal routine will keep me back where I have been the last few months. Injection tonight (1/2 day late).

Another cold, not busy day yesterday reading and watching a doc

1 Week Ago

121.6 Sitting around here in the cold and munching on stuff in boredom is NOT good. Last time I weighed in at this was 9/1 when I was on the wa

1 Week Ago

120.5 - no surprise at the uptick as traveling yesterday has me a bit constipated. Hoping this morning's coffee takes care of that.

The temperature here in Albany is 27 this morning so not horrible. The high will be in the mid-30's. Not sure we

1 Week Ago

119.8 - I took my evening injection this morning.

Yesterday we mostly accomplished everything on the list except water aerobics which was cancelled due to rain.But the rain subsided by 10 so we were able to take Justice for his long walk. We a
