VSG Maintenance Group
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This morning feels like a welcomed transition from chaos to semi settled. Having a more or less put togethered kitchen, bathrooms and bedroom helps a lot. The quest continues. DH delightfully figuring out just how much larger a tv he can get (negotiated a compromise on this one- he can get whatever ginormous set up he likes)--But that's it; we are now a one tv home and I, blissfully, don't have to arrange any other rooms to accommodate the bloody things.
Today's plan is to yada yada yada, but with multiple breaks in between. Continued gradual introductions to the neighbors and hoping everyone is as friendly as those we've met so far. House is deep set on an acre+ lot at the end of an L shaped dead end with nothing in back of us, so I can't imagine anything that might negatively affect good neighbor relationships. (Geeze, it's been over 40 years since I've had any neighbors- seems weird.)
Just a bit of shopping and a Thursday Bible study and then, nothing else- yay!
Liz, I know the wedding will be wonderful- I like to think that because you have DH and DD within you, they truly will be present.
Happy to be more regularly engaged here again- hope to post/check in way more often.
Weight 121. Today is shot day. Big dilemma: Do I stay at 5 ml or drop to 2.5? I have been in my range (120-125) for 7 weeks now and 5 weeks ago dropped from 7.5 to 5 ml. Hmmm...
Nice day trip to Martha's Vineyard yesterday though with all the bus/ferry/bus/car transfers it was a long one. We usually take the easier ferry and park at a friend's house nearby but because we had dinner at a restaurant not near that ferry we had to take a different one (and take a bus on this end as well as the island side).
Today the day trip involves another drive to the car dealer because my car is signaling a problem with the drivers airbag. Dreading the bill for that - seems never ending and the car only has 43000 miles on it.
Nothing else going on except that today would have been my late DH and my 43rd anniversary. So sad that neither he nor my eldest DD will be there for my youngest DD's wedding. They would have loved her fiancé.
Have a thorough Thursday (get all the Things done)!
Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish
And make sure the password makes no sense so it cannot be remembered AND do not write that nonsensical password down anywhere!
Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish
We have been watching Bad Monkey too and have the same feelings about it. We started watching it because we saw a little bit of it being filmed in Key West. The tiny segment from that was in the first show.
Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish
Sounds like me with a list - if the Thing is on the list it must be done asap and be checked off. I actually avoid putting some things on a list so they won't haunt me.
Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish
Let us know how the oatmeal with yogurt and chia goes. Sounds like it could be a winner.
Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish
Though BMI is not the best measure for some people it always feels good when in a lower "category".
Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish
I despise having to make accounts and then the inevitable password. I just want to read the article, do the search, buy the shoes... stop making me make passwords.
I love that image of sitting in the foyer! I do the same thing. An appointment at 3pm? I therefore cannot start any new thing after 12pm. I can reason with myself to some extent, but what is this? Maybe it's because I hate being rushed. (Although i can be very efficient and productive, I just don't like the my hair's on fire feeling). The opposite of people who think they can finish EVERYTHING in one day. I have a friend who way over schedules, and when she tells me her day's agenda, I think, that's against the laws of physics!
Greetings all
Another warm day here. I went to the studio and not many were there. That's because on sunny days like this they are all at the beach. These are not swimming beaches as it's way too cold, but fun to walk on and look for rocks.
So I did a little glazing at the studio and thats about it. Seems like a couple of hours is enough for me. Pretty much everything is enough after two hours.
Yeah CC I get it. The "thing for the day" can be all consuming. My scrabble friend and I have discussed that one can only do one "thing" per day if it involves leaving the house. And yeah I used to have meetings and turn out documents and be on the phone with multiple matters every single day. No more. Today I got the gallery insurance paid over the phone which means spelling my name out and email and all kinds of other stuff and bank numbers and bla bla bla. Then I got the call from the cal tax department to help me figure out our status. Person was helpful and did get it straightened out. But geez how many numbers do we have to have? They gave me four contact phone numbers, transaction number, entity type number (which has changed from when we set up) and who knows how many other numbers. This was the response to me getting so angry that I called our state rep in Sacramento. But it worked and now thats done and tax is paid. I am just computer challenged to start with and crooked fingers make all this even harder.
DD glad school is going well. Hoping that this retirement year ends on a good note instead of last year's WTF.
I have not tried the Chikes drinks but hear good things. One thing I recall being pretty good is health wise protein tomato soup. Not a lot of calories and not sweet. I think I still have some circa 2008.
Liz that museum sounds cool. And a whole new island! I say go for it.
Somehow I woke up this morning feeling pretty good. Usually I feel like I got hit by a truck. Wish I knew why.
We have been watching Bad Monkey which is funy and weird. Also Sunny which is just weird.
Thanks for the Netflix tip Peps. We will check it out. Better than exploding aliens.
Diane S