VSG Maintenance Group
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I know what you mean about thinking you can eat more than you can. I try to use a small plate at home to avoid serving myself too much but still overdo sometimes. But when I get it right I often worry that I haven't given myself enough and that DH will take the rest and I will still be hungry (never happens). So weird.
Those candles look cool! I have to try and remember them for next year!
Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish
Some great ideas from the others on how your friend can keep from being isolated. Someone else going with him or encouraging things like joining new groups such as Meetup may be necessary though. Like Paula, I took the initiative to reach out but many don't. A high school friend of mine lost her husband 3 years ago and is still wallowing in grief. Unfortunately she has MS and lives in a town rather remote so her contact with friends is generally by phone or social media.
Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish
on 12/26/24 7:46 pm
'Twas a nice day after Christmas. I slept in (thank you, Kirby!) and lounged in my jammies until I heard the propane truck out front and remembered I have a slow leak and needed to tell them. I went to run outside and realized my lazy morning meant I was still in my flannel Christmas doggy PJs. So quick run to throw clothes on and caught him before he left. They need to send the repair guys out.
Then we ran errands. I so despise thoughtless tourists and they have descended on Sedona for what is generally the busiest week of the year here. So after wending through all the poorly parked hiker's cars, I was almost past the worst of it until 4 off-road OHVs were parked in the middle of the road taking selfies of themselves! They were waving me around them except it's on a blind hill which was full of oncoming tourist jeeps. I had had it by this point in the drive and laid on my horn. Claudia laughed and said at least she knows I come by my lack of patience honestly (pointing at my dad). I can't wait for this week to be over and will be leaving the house as little as possible!
We had leftovers for dinner and my eyes were as ever bigger than my appetite. Such a disconnect there.
Tomorrow is my birthday and we're going to my favorite restaurant for dinner. Hooray for making reservations 6 weeks in advance!
My best present was something really cool called Foton Pearled Candles. You can pour this candle wax that is the consistency of sand in any flame-safe container, insert one of the wicks they provide and light it. When you're done you can pull out the melted part, give it a little shake, and put in a new wick. It's like brand new. And if it gets knocked over, it goes out. So clever!
Anywho, that's all for me. Hope you all are well!
on 12/26/24 7:29 pm
Can the men friends start a ROMEO lunch or dinner group with him involved (Retired Old Men Eating Out)? Or for awhile band together to have him over to someone's house once a week? Love the idea of helping him pack up the Christmas decorations.
In answer to your question about what to do for your friend, I think time spent with him is the most important thing, especially down the road when most people have moved on with their lives and tend to forget how lonely he might be.
Helping him find new outlets for fun and fellowship would also be nice. I know after Ben died I joined some local groups with people who had like interests. Most communities have ?Meet Up? groups for that very purpose. Sounds like a dating service but isn?t, though I?m sure there are some meet up groups within the Meet Ups that are for finding new love! I joined an outdoor adventure group (hiking, biking, kayaking etc.) and a photography group. They have all sorts of groups from book clubs, to dinner/lunch outings, to gaming groups; something for everyone really! You find them online, www.meetup.com!
I think you are so right that what your friend will need his social support. When my FIL was widowed, some of their friends seemed to just forget about him. He ended up making a whole new friend group at the Officer's Club (he was retired Air Force Major). The weekly lunch with DH will be something very helpful for him most likely. Maybe a monthly or biweekly dinner invitation so he knows he can count on that? I suspect the evenings are sometimes the hardest.
Yes, it was wonderful and a chance to catch up with him 1:1. He is my chatter!
Yes, DH does love entry level hoarding (no actual garbage, or unsanitary things, but so. much.stuff) .Our agreement is to limit it to certain spaces. The garage rule is, there is a spot where I can safely park my car, and nothing can impede my doing that. I am not scrapping snow and ice off my car in the winter. His car sits on the driveway, because his parking spot is full of important stuff, like old kids bikes and toys.
Greetings all
Love everyone's Christmas reports. We had a nice day with our bereaved friend and the group of 8. Host shed some tears during a toast to his deceased wife but overall the day was pleasant. Their entire house is imbued with her spirit. She does tons of holiday decorating and it's all over. Multiple decorated trees, abuout 25 elf soft toys on the buffet, lights and all manner of Christmas fru fru. Host held up pretty well and their housekeep/friend took command of cooking and clean up. I wanted to make sure he was not left with a mess but no worries. I offered to help him with and business and paperwork as I used to do all that for a living. Our other friends are good and gifts were exchanged.
So we are trying to think of what else to do for our bereaved friend. He and DH and one other guy do lunch every friday and they will keep that up. Some of our friends are making a schedule of people taking meals to him though in truth it may not be the real need since she kept a huge pantry and had a full sized freezer in the kitchen and a packed refrigerator. I think company might be more important. Anyone have any ideas? We may offer to help take down the christmas stuff since it's loads of stuff and he has Parkinson's disease and is a bit shaky.
DD what a great gift from your DH - NYT. What an absolute treat! Don't you just love that smell of a freshly opened newspaper!!! We used to get the SF Chronicle here and maybe should start again. Sorry to hear that your Mom had a meltdown. Seems fairly common for an older person to become angry at their limitations; none of which are your fault or within your control. Good ideas on the leftovers. Glad the other company was fun.
Ditto Liz, a little kid at Christmas is such a hoot. Always makes Christmas more fun. We had wrestling dogs.
Well Peps, guess you learned not to drink evening coffee. Occasional reminder needed. And Yay on the garage reaching crisis proportions so that Ron will cooperate. As I have mentioned my DH is a junior hoarder and our garage is beyond crisis. Full blown disaster. Ditto ever other room.
Paula all sounds good with your group. That scan cannot be soon enough.
I plan to get back to gym today and then studio. We have loads of food here as well and should be well fed on reasonably healthy leftovers for days. I made waldorf salad with a fairly light dressing so thats healthy.
We started the series Ripley" last night. It's good but peculiar. Black and white and rather artsy but there is a plot and it is well done.
Trying to do some year end banking and our bank has changed its bill pay system and it's all FFFkked up. Another day on tech support I guess.
We discovered that one of our group needed a ride home last night and she lives very near us. So another good person to add to my playgroup. She left her purse in our car so DH took it back this AM.
Not much else. It's raining and will do so for a few days. Good time for indoor activities.
Diane S
I think I have finally hit that "age" where I have to be careful about caffeine intake in the evening. Booooooo!