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I have a feeling that it won't hit until late in the summer when it's time to go BACK to school. Summer vacation is a staple in my life. Therefore, I think the reality of retirement will hit in late August and early September when I am not back at work with my colleagues. Whoo hoo!
My fear is that I will permanently lounge! I have a history of "lounging" summers away and not checking things off the domestic to do list! But, I do have to look at the fact that even my summers are packed full of dog activities and clients and road trips. It's not terribly surprising I don't get sh*t done around the house as I would like.
Greetings all
Another sunny day. I dawdled around and then went to the gym to do my walking and further arrangement of the tv screen. It seems to be the geezer hour at the gym - 1pm on a weekday - and so be it. There was a grunter but he showed up late. Then I spent time at the studio catching up on gossip and doing minimal things. Got some finance stuff done and have one more adult thing to do today.
Meanwhile DH went to lunch and on to costco to buy a pile of Halloween candy. I got the catered stuff ordered for halloween party . Still resisting the desk clean cup but must get after it. I tell myself it takes too much hand effort but not really.
Yay Ann for having a good helper. What a gift! How cool that you found all that stuff. You and DD were so fortunate to have lived overseas during youth. It's so important and valuable. Good on your parents for permitting that.
New car Liz. Enjoy. Yep sporty little cars are for the young.
Peps are you doing squats? Good job on improving the leg muscles. More power to you.
DD lounging is a gift. My ability to do so got me through covid. And hey that football game might be fun. University energy! We will watch our team get beat tomorrow as they play Ohio State. U of Minn has good colors! Yes, what Liz said is the scar stuff. Works well. Keep DH out of the sun! Get him a Gopher hat.
Foie gras. mmmmmmmmm
Woke up with a scratchy throat. It's better now but I sure hope it does not turn into anything. Zinc lozenges all around.
DH brought home fish and chips from lunch. So that is dinner tonight. Chili will be made tomorrow.
Diane s
I bet you will be surprised that next week after retirement.

ANN 5'5", AGE 74, HW 235.6 (BMI 39.2), SW 216, GW 150, CW 132, BMI 22
POUNDS LOST: Pre-op -20, M1 -10, M2 -11, M3 -10, M4 -10, M5 -7, M6 -5, M7 -6, M8 -4, M9 -4,
NEXT 10 MOS. -12, TOTAL -100 LBS.
Okay all you football fans, I am going to a Gophers game tomorrow at my Alma Mater, The University of Minnesota. I am not sure how this happened. In the 4 years I was a student, I went to a grand total of 1 game. Somehow, DH decided that 40 years later (his Alma Mater too, although we didn't meet until my senior year, and he had already graduated) we needed to go to Homecoming and he announced he bought tickets. And ordered a Gopher sweatshirt for me to wear.
I didn't buy tickets to the Eagles because I just don't want to deal with stadium sized rowdy crowds. Football was never on my Bingo card. Oh, and did I mention its an outdoor stadium? At least it should be sunny and might get up to 60 degrees. But I will suck it up, because apparently this is really important to DH, so I can do this for him. You all can enjoy my complaining instead. :)
It was a crazy week, as most are. Face timed with my injured co worker. I think this is a lot more serious than we even knew. His bones were all screwed back together in a 9 hour surgery. He cannot put any weight on his left side, no weight bearing for 3 months. Who knows when he'll be well enough to come back to Minnesota, let alone work.
Plans this evening are to go grocery shopping to buy ingredients for the meal I'm bringing to my parent's house on Monday evening. And just enjoying the wonderful feeling of Friday.
We are made of different stuff! A one week calendar, with no obligations, but to follow my fancy, sounds fantastic! As I've mentioned before, I have the gift of lounging.
I did a gap year in Brazil (Rotary Exchange student), in '79-80. Phone calls were over several dollars a minute. I talked to my family at Christmas for 10 minutes. I wrote reams of letters to my friends, and they wrote back reams, but that was the extent of contact. I often think about what it's like now, when you might be expected to FaceTime with your parents, or keep up with all the social media with friends. I'm glad I had the chance to live that year, fully immersed in Brazilian culture, bonding with my host family and my new friends. If I wanted to socialize, ( and heaven knows I like to talk!) I HAD to learn Portuguese. I'm so grateful for those experiences.
Liz, we must know what SUV you are now driving! Congratulations on the new vehicle. I love having a new vehicle, too!
Ann, what exciting finds in the attic! I found a huge box of my aunt's photos on my last visit with her. I went through every photo and took some keepsake photos for my enjoyment and sentimental indulgence. I'm glad I did.
I'm with Paula on the "stuck scale". Mine really isn't stuck. My body is simply playing bouncy ball with it! 223-224 all week long (though I had the one day jump to 225...). I can see it's going to be slow going from here on out. I think I will increase my dose. Might as well get her done! I did shoot up a few extra units last night because my pharmacy always overfills the vial. Instead of 63 units (which is hard to measure precisely) I gave myself 70 units. Happily, I feel the difference today!
I shared my new mobility/fitness goal with my trainer and she jumped on it. We started practicing towards it last night. I am already feeling in my hamstrings and glutes. Yay!!!! I can already to a few in a row on the solid ground, but not an entire set of 8-12 without losing my balance. She promises that doing the move on the bosu ball is actually easier. I'm not sure about that, but we shall see.
Dog shows this weekend. I need to get some of my chores on my to do list ASAP so I can start ticking some of them off! I do not know why I feel like I am busier now than when I was a young teacher, but I swear I am! I never seem to have a day without an obligation. Ron suggested I take a full week off from everything following my last day of school. I don't know if I can! It sounds utterly terrifying! LOL!
Friday Frolics to one and all!
155.0. That scale just does not want to go down! Though like Peps, I definitely feel slimmer and the ?You?ve lost weight!? comments keep coming! Those are good things!
Laundry, baking corn bread muffins to go with the BBQ pork ribs for dinner tonight and scrapbook crap sorting on the docket for today! Such an exciting life I live, though honestly I have little to complain about!
DSD and fiancé visiting the sick aunt who is now out of the hospital. Still waiting on her biopsy results but the docs are thinking it is small cell lung cancer which is aggressive and 5 year survival rate very small. Most of the kids in that family (all smokers) have succumbed to cancer. Nasty addiction and nasty diseases it causes!
What kind of SUV did you get Liz? I have a Buick Enclave and like it quite well. I?ve always wanted a red Corvette but they are difficult to get in and out of. I had a red Firebird Transam (T top) when I met Ben. Didn?t have it for long though, we both sold our newer nice cars to make a down payment on our first house and the dogs and kids followed shortly and we became a van family!
Ann, love that you have been able to be a world traveler! I still need to get a passport to see something outside of the US. I did go to the Bahamas on a cruise trip while in grad school (before you needed a passport for such a trip), but that is the extent of my world travels! Heck, DS2 travelled to Europe the summer after he graduated!
Hope you are all having a Fabulous if not Freaky Friday!