VSG Maintenance Group
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Up at 5 am this morning with laundry in the dryer! We landed at 6:30 in Miami yesterday, were home at 10, mostly organized and repacked by 11, then into bed. All that remains is the last minute packing of underwear from the dryer and phone/ipad/charger stuff. We leave for the airport at 7 am.
I would have taken a later flight if I could have easily but that would mean driving 90 minutes to Orlando. Much easier just going to the local airport. My flight back on Saturday is more reasonable at 9:15 am, getting here just after 12.
I wish I could have seen Justice before I leave, but he will be thrilled to see DH. He has looked happy in the pictures I received. He is a very happy camper most of the time. He likes doing home stays so he can be a lap sitter too.
I refused to weigh this morning - will do it next week. I did take my tirzepatide injection for the first time in 12 days.
Not much else to report - just on the go this morning. I will see DD this afternoon and have dinner with her tonight. She gets her actual surgery time today. Hopefully in the morning but not TOO early.
Have a traveling Tuesday!
Picture from last full day in USVI:
Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish
Greetings all
Early for me here. My day started early by my standards with a trip to eye doctor. Second cataract op will be April 10. This cataract is not as bad but my eyes don't match. Left eye is now 20/25 so that is pretty good. Will always need some glasses; especially close up. So I missed Scrabble but got my Tuesday cheeseburger. Stopped at the studio for a bit and then went to the gym and walked. More Wilburys. Then I stopped at the dreaded CVS for bottled water and they had my coffee on sale so I stocked up.Being more mobile makes me hate that place less. Home now and DH is watching a terrible old sci fi so I might have to leave and nap.
Liz glad your vacation ended up uneventfully. Travel whirlwind for you but you will be glad you made the trip for DD. It must be such a relief to know she is getting treatment. Travel safe. Justice will be even more happy to see you when you get home finally. Can you Zoom with Justice? LOL
I have some more art to assemble before tomorrow so I guess that is the afternoon agenda. That and laundry. Why is there so much of it when I wear the same stuff and am fashion impaired?
Not much else. DH brought home more hamburger buns. I think that is a hint.
Diane S
So DD and I sort of zoomed with Justice. I have a camera in the living room and we could see him sleeping on the couch. We turned the microphone on and called to him. His head was swiveling all over the place to try and figure out where we were LOL.
Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish
I hope all goes well with the surgery. Did they ever do another biopsy, or will that be part of tomorrow's procedure?
Diane, good on the Tuesday cheeseburger. Some routines need to be followed! When my Uncle got cataract surgery, he used to walk around the house marveling at their art collection. He hadn't realized how much the cataracts had reduced the vibrancy of color that he was seeing. Kind of like when I got my first pair of glasses at 11 years of age. I didn't know that you should see separate leaves when you looked at a tree, or, such a surprise, actual blades of grass!
Well I applied for Social Security and my teacher's pension. Social Security was actually the easiest. The pension, not too bad. I have another small pension from a different job, and it is a big pain. I have to print and then fill out the application, and have DH and I sign it in the presence of a notary. I have to make a copy of my passport or a real ID (I have both). I have to submit a form to my HR to confirm I am retiring. And most annoying of all, if I ever had a different name, I need to submit a copy of my marriage license or other documentation. And by submit, I mean mail all of this to them. How antiquated.
DH is making tacos for dinner tonight. So my big plans tonight are to eat some tacos and do some laundry. Students start spring break on Thursday, so I teach tomorrow, and then 2 days of training and worktime. Spring break starts Friday evening. :)
Retirement planning full speed ahead! Seems like an early spring break?
Biopsy is part of the procedure tomorrow. Nothing happened properly previously.
Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish
127.4. Down again!
Treadmill again today, still enjoying my Netflix show while trudging away!
In the spirit of retirement planning, DH and I met with our financial planner today and figured out which account to start drawing from in July when his checks stop coming. I'm so thankful to have Ben's pension coming in! DH doesn't get a pension at all and mine is peanuts since half way through my career they stopped contributing to it and I worked very part time when the kids were young. I still got 403B contributions but sad that the pension got stopped. DH has a pretty decent 401K which will help us too!
House cleaning starts in earnest tomorrow to ready the house for the shower on Saturday! Fun, fun!
The financial side of retirement planning is always full of angst but somehow it usually works out. Wedding shower time! Fun!
Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish