VSG Maintenance Group
Saturday March 1, 2025
About in the middle of my range and happy with the "number", but continued concern re the typical foods I'm consuming. It's been mentioned more than a few times (thanks to Devon and others) that calories are not the same, and relying on the unhealthy types really do process differently- and slider's are not only wasteful but can also be harmful. Transforming knowing into doing is proving difficult at the moment.
Sunny but cool today and no plans other than what might occur in the moment. Have deep cleaned the kitchen and bathrooms floors and de calcified the coffee pot. Swann is due for continued grooming on the porch (3 days running now) looking less and less the scruffy unkempt mutt and more like the dignified, handsome Welshie he is.
Grandkiddo due for a visit today and as soon as I pull kitchen and bathrooms together, will be in the "art" room till she arrives.
Enjoy the day!
We have all been there on knowing we should change what we are eating but stalling at doing it. Protein certainly is not only good for us but when in a food (vs shake) it definitely fills us up more than anything else.
Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish
CONGRATULATIONS Paula on reaching goal! So, so happy for you.
It is a lovely Saturday here. It's not warm, but it's nice enough to have a few windows open for some fresh air blow through the house. It's about 63 outside with a cool breeze. In the sun, it's pretty nice.
Today is my L litter's 5th birthday, but sadly, today is also the day my girl Blue decided say goodbye. She has been living her best life with her mom Lynn for the past 7+ years, but it still hits hard. I'm glad she went quickly. She went into Afib yesterday. She got meds to lower her heart rate, but she went into failure overnight and was having trouble breathing this morning. Definitely her time. Of course, I immediately go into "repair" mode and start thinking whether or not I should place Molly with Lynn and her husband Michael.
Liz, I hope you are able to be with Tierney for the procedure. I have a feeling your presence would lend a great deal of support and calmness to the situation.
DD, interesting subject about clothes. I often find myself perusing clothing on line, but have become pretty good at limiting purchases. I over spent after reaching goal post VSG that and had some hefty credit card debt to manage. I keep reminding myself of that! LOL! I also remind myself that with retirement there is no longer any need for "work clothes". Of course, Dog show clothes is always a lovely excuse. LOL!
l may go to the gym while Ron is at church today. We'll see. It would be an extra day, so I could have fun and focus on whatever floats my boat. I could also do some cleaning and organizing. That might win out!
So sorry to hear about Blue but it is good that she went quickly. Always difficult to lose a family member.
Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish
Greetings all
A mixed day here. Sun then fog. So it goes. I got some laundry done before going out and about. Walked at the gym. Somehow my iPhone music fixed itself. No clue how. There was an old guy on the next treadmill singing out loud to his air pod music. Pretty funny but better than grunting. Amazing how we are these little matrix units these days. After that it was studio time and I did a lot of glazing. Place was packed when I arrived but parking lot empty by the time I left. Talked to one of our board members who says some other board members want to explore getting a new studio building built. We shall see. I don't think the numbers will work. Not holding breath.
Peps sorry dear Blue is gone. They do not last long enough.
Yay Paula on your goal! You rocked it. Enjoy.
Yep DD when you retire you will not enjoy buying clothes so much. I sure don't. But then again I never did. Shopping was always a miserable mission to find something business appropriate in my size that was not all polyester. I say indulge in what clothes you like. Nice to have a trade clothes person. Also nice your DD will wear your stuff. Hope the family event goes well.
Liz you are Justice are super walkers. Good on you. I swear steps are the secret to well being. I don't do enough. Hoping your DD gets an appointment soon.
DH hates the rotisserie chicken. So I will hide it in some kind of pasta. He will eat that.
Gallery duty tomorrow which means a dull day for me. Hope for good weather as more customers come in when it's nice.
Three little eaglets at Duke farms. I am so attached..
Diane S
What do you do when it is slow at the gallery? Read?
Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish