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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 5/16/24 4:55 am, edited 5/16/24 4:56 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Injection number 6 of tirzepatide is on-board. I felt much hungrier yesterday (though still probably less than normal). Tomorrow I will weigh-in. Since last week was a fairly significant drop I am not expecting much this week (or so I tell myself). Of course one always hopes for a surprise.

Yesterday was my first day without a sling. After 8 weeks of no use it is really hard to do some things like cutting food. I did a little but then had to have DH finish for me. My arm was very tired last night but it feels really good being free.

Great questions yesterday by CC for Peps. Really interesting to get a peek at the dog show world about which I know nothing.

Busy day today. A visit to my lawyer, time at the beach, a couple of errands and a Chef's Table dinner with DS.

Five days until we fly north. Time to start getting serious about packing.

Have a themed Thursday!

on 5/16/24 6:39 am

Down 0.6, woohoo! 30.2 lost. Yesterday was the first of the new tirzepatide compound. I think this one feels the very similar to the name brand shots. I wasn't sure with the last one.

Today is furniture day. While I'm excited about that, I was bummed that all of the last furniture they took away they sent to donation rather than any to consignment as we discussed. She had excuses, but it bothered me as some of it was really nice stuff. So the alternative is to figure out how to consign or otherwise give away the rest of what's going (seems really daunting especially given that I live in the sticks) or let them do it and be okay with it basically going to goodwill. I really think my original idea of lighting the last house on fire and walking away had merit!

It ought to be interesting keeping Kirby out of the way today and not having him escape. Ugh.

I didn't get the house as picked up as I wanted. My closet where I thought to put things temporarily that come out of furniture that's leaving is still a disaster. There is a giant island in the closet with shelving underneath where folded clothes go. I thought, that will be a great place to fold clothes out of the dryer as there is also a washer and dryer in the closet (pretty cool closet). But alas, me being me, the island has become an archeological layering of clean laundry where I throw things I need to get out of the dryer so I can put new things in, but then the previous stuff never gets folded. See? My house is messy, not dirty. There are also other things under there that went on the island "temporarily" until they found a home, but that home was never found. So I've been chipping away at that, but it's not done. Also a lot of things that need to go down to the garage that are stuck in limbo in the kitchen. That I can take care of this morning.

Enough procrastinating! I should get in the shower and get going. Take care all!

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 5/16/24 6:47 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

I hide my messes - hence a LOT of work coming up at the Cape house basement especially to get it ready to sell.

on 5/16/24 8:47 am

Over the years, I, too, have (not even) taken care of extawhatever by neatly moving said items, in increasingly space saving ways, to many different places in my home.I have things that have been everywhere on 3 floors and back again and then rearranged an again like a roulette wheel; "around, around they go...Where they stop, nobody knows"! Resulting in a very (invisible but) stuffed house.

Don't know if this is available to you, but around here, since COVID, auction houses have gone on line. Household items of all kind are photographed and bid for over, say, a week. High bidder wins and, off the stuff goes all at once, the auction house arranges everything and are the ones who interface and get the stuff to the buyers. Your part in all this is contracting with the auction agent company for dates and commission, negotiating the specific services (important for me would be the manner involved in removing/transferring stuff from home) and holding said business to the contract.

on 5/16/24 3:43 pm
VSG on 06/13/12

I am addicted to flipping through those auction websites. I've seen some really lovely things. I haven't bid on anything yet, but the whole set up looks user friendly.

on 5/16/24 8:01 am


Positive Scale surprises are fun, indeed- may yours be delicious and delightful. Always cool to string a few of those together.

Like you, I feel like I got a true schooling as I tagged alongside Devon and Blitz at Westminster (Peps, you do know we were all with you all the time!). Lots of Google-ing happening here. My questions have to do with the venue setup--

Devon, were you there Tues. afternoon when the PA system went bonkers, and loud, weird singing interrupted the competition for the longest, and no one seemed able to shut it off. That surly wasn't some of those protesters attempting to sabotage and disrupt the show?

And, what about the flooring laid down? During the Best Terrier Group competition I was watching when the Welch's handler (I also think owner) after having to endure the noise disturbance in the middle of his turn with the judge, during his walk back towards the judge, stumbled (perhaps on a seam) and fell down onto the raised, bouncy floor? Did you notice a difference in the surface?

Swanny pointed out to me the exceptional composure and caring attitude the Welsh exhibited. What I admired was the instant response from judge and other handlers who came to the assistance as well as the terriers, who could have gone nuts over the chaos, being freethinkers, and independent problem solvers, chose to act the professionals they are.

on 5/16/24 9:12 am

The fellow who fell down is a prestigious west coast handler, Gabriel Rangel. He has won at least one Best in Show at Westminster. I know one was with a Wire Fox Terrier, but I think the beautiful Scottish Terrier he showed about 10years ago also won Best at Westminster. Gabriel may be a co owner of the Welsh, or perhaps the breeder. I'd have to check on that. I don't believe he is the sole owner.

The flooring in that ring (same ring area in which Blitz and I showed) was very comfortable. It was laid over with artificial turf, not carpet. There was indeed bounce to the floor, but far less than a typical playground these days. I don't think the turf was the culprit, per se. Gabriel has been in a boot/cast for several months. He tore a tendon in his ankle or foot. His assistants have been showing the dogs. This is the first time I've seen him in the ring since last fall. I had a bird's eye view of him doing the down and back and saw his feet catch on the carpet. He didn't recover from teh catch and just face planted. The gasp from the audience was audible. I was worried for him because he hit the floor with such force he bounced, his glasses fell off and he could not get up by himself. He's a nice man. I felt just awful for him. I wish he would seek medical help for his weight, but from what I understand he has on going financial difficulties and WLS may be beyond his financial reach. He is younger than I am, but has grown old over the past few years.

I was not in the arena when the PA went nuts. I heard it was horrible! I did not notice any noise during the Welsh's turn.

The PETA protesters sabotaged the agility show on Saturday and next made an appearance during Best in Show on Tuesday night. During Best in Show two women attempted to storm the ring with signs, but security and NYP apprehended and subdued them before either made it onto the arena floor. I was glad to see them in handcuffs! Uninformed, stupid little lemmings. They would prefer all dogs to be feral, uncared for animals free from the bondage inflicted upon them by humans.

on 5/16/24 7:18 pm

Thanks so much for the information. The Welsh Terrier forum I participate in had only good things to say about Mr Rangel and his Dogs. There was some mention about a foot injury, but didn't know it occurred prior to the show. Hoping he recovers quickly (financially as well as physically).

diane S.
on 5/16/24 3:34 pm

Greetings all

Overcast here today but dry. Its nice. Everyone in the entire neighborhood seems to be out mowing. The lawn mower symphony. Not a favorite sound. I do have a lawn service lined up finally. Start monday.

So tomorrow is a puppy party if three year olds are puppies. Two of Poppy's siblings will be over. Should be fun. Walter is very well trained and Poppy and Sassy and Tesla are not. But they can romp in the yard. I did stop at a bakery for some cookies which I feel obligated to offer to guests. Guess I could have offered raw vegetables.....

I also went to the plant store for sweet peas since I have given up on the other store. Yikes sticker shock! Plant prices have really gone up. It was over $50 for not even a full flat. I need a few more herbs but didn't like the selection at this place. Also got some seeds for poppies even though they grow wild everywhere around here.

Gosh sorry to hear that the one handler took a bad fall at Westminster! Hope the man recovers but sounds like it will take awhile. Years ago I was at a show and saw a large man fall ass over teakettle in the ring. He fell backwards. Those shows had these old vinyl mats they used to roll out because the floors were slick concrete. And they always had wrinkles in the mats and were accidents waiting to happen. At another show this woman won a Rottweiler major and was so excited she keeled over with a heart attack and did not survive. Warning: dog shows can be hazardous to your health! Peps so glad you all made it safe and sound and successfully. Those of you who are curious about the dog show world should watch "Best In Show". A hoot.

Liz take it easy. Are you having PT for arm and shoulder? No rock climbing for you. No Karate either.

CC having people come in and out all day with furniture presents unique dog problems. Thats why we lock up our dogs on Halloween. But I am excited for you getting new stuff. There is a local store here that takes used furniture on consignment. It's kind of an odd place as it is also a farm store and pet shop and has other weird stuff. You might look for such a place.

Dinner last night was a sort of ham and asparagus skillet dish. Pretty good and pretty simple. Its amazing what I mess I can make with a two ingredient dinner.

CC your closet sounds wonderful. A washer and dryer!!!! How cool is that to not haul laundry from room to room. DH practices the "layering" method of clothes and tool storage. Piles and piles. Ditto my desk. It has not been tidy once in 20 years.

Diane S

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on 5/16/24 3:51 pm
VSG on 06/13/12

I sometimes wish there were mowing restrictions like we have watering restrictions. This street can only mow on Wednesday from 2-5, etc. Instead of a mower going somewhere on any given hour Saturday and Sunday. I thought Californians had electric mowers, are they not quieter?
