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Thursday, October 12, 2023

diane S.
on 10/12/23 4:35 pm

Greetings all

Sun is out here but no sandals for me. Truth: they just don't work for my weird feet. I have a good friend who wears nothing but sandals due to a weird toe. Around here it's more birkenstocks with socks - like my dentist - who has graduated to crocs. Years ago I had an elderly friend who hated shoes and would not wear them. Only flip flops in the rain. Sadly, I think part of the reason is that she grew up so poor that she had no shoes.

Boat club gets a yes vote from me Liz! Get Justice a doggy life jacket. Do members fish or just ride? Either sounds fun. Glad the cooking worked out even if it is a bit odeforous. Why does autocorrect not fix that word for me?

CC seriously flashcards for a cheese board??!! Thats pretty weird but oh well. Glad it was fun.

DD sorry your workplace is experiencing shrinking pains. No fun. You are totally right that all the teachers are spread too thin. But it seems like you do a good job of enjoying your weekends. Thats a good thing - as Martha says.

DH is off at his follow up doctor apt for last weeks issue. I almost typed "target" appointment because when he goes to Eureka there is always a visit to Target. No telling what he will bring home. Usually loads of dog treats even though we have a bomb shelter size supply already.

Peps glad to hear the meds are working for doggie. No fun to see them hurting. And hey keep on trucking with the flip flops! Thanks for the story about running away in the T shirt. Shoes suck anyway. See above remarks.

So I did cook the chicken in the Japanese BBQ sauce last night. It was quite good. Onions were the only addition plus I made some rice. DD I think you were the one who mentioned this sauce. Its great. I want to make a pot roast in it when it's colder.

A junk removal service knocked on the door today with a coupon. Hmmm has me thinking......

Cheers. Diane S

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on 10/12/23 7:11 pm
VSG on 06/13/12

Ohhh, junk removal service!!! Would definitely have to engage their services when DH was not home.
