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Sunday, September 24, 2023

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/24/23 3:59 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Great time at the reunion last night! No worries about being cold - everyone ended up indoors. So many people and we all looked so different (we all had to check the pictures on our nametags and remind each other of our names). I caught up with a couple of my oldest friends who had not been to previous reunions. One of them was someone I have thought about for many years but didn't know how to find her. At this point in life we have all gone through so many life challenges. And such memories of when we were young...

Anyway, onto the next initiative. I was up at 5:30 and am dressed and having my coffee now at 7. I am going to get some eggs downstairs then it is time to drive to DH's home to pick him up (and leave his car there for the winter). My thinner blood is looking forward to warmth by end of day tomorrow.

Have a super Sunday!

on 9/24/23 12:07 pm

Glad you had fun at your reunion, Liz! I've never been to one. My graduating class had 42 girls (all girls school), so I can't imagine the turnout is stellar.

A warm up here today - 85 - and should stay here all week. Boo. I was looking forward to fall temps.

Food was good yesterday. I'm trying to stay away from sugar-sugar and empty floury carbs. The first week is the hardest. I tossed the caramels. RIP, Werthers.

Not much else going on!

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/24/23 1:43 pm - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

It is going to be in the high 80's all week in Florida too. Remind me that I was complaining about the cold if I say anything negative about that...

on 9/24/23 2:45 pm
VSG on 06/13/12

Glad you had fun at your reunion Liz. I have mixed feelings about my class reunions. I've gone to a couple, and it was fun to reconnect with some people I hadn't seen. Mostly though, I remember there is a reason I haven't pursued a relationship with some of them. On the other hand, most of my dearest friends are people I met in high school or college.

CC, glad to hear coming home has made it easier to eat the way you want to. Being the captain of your own ship is empowering.

So far today I've read the paper, done some wash, and had an interesting Controversy Club meeting. Our topic was should I.A. be more regulated. At first the knee jerk reaction from a bunch of teachers is, we'll never be able to teach critical thinking skills when a machine starts doing all their writing. And there are concerns, for sure, but its not all gloom and doom.

Getting ready to go to the theater this evening. I'm excited for the play, but it has 2 intermissions. It will be late for a school night. Luckily I slept in a bit this morning. And having evening plans help to keep the Sunday Scaries at bay for awhile.

diane S.
on 9/24/23 3:22 pm

Greetings all

It's a cloudy day here. I don't think it's going to rain but sure looks like a possibility. Always a chance in the PAC NW.

I dragged myself out for a few errands including the detested CVS which is the place I find my coffee. Got there and I thought it was closed as the parking lot had exactly one car. It was open and I got my coffee and a few things. I think this town is boycotting that store because their pharmacy service has gotten so crappy and the new locally owned one is good.. Who needs a place to buy cheap t shirts.

Liz so glad your reunion was fun. Worth the trip. We are indeed at the age where some people are unrecognizable while others have the same hair do as high school. The sad part is seeing who has died. Safe travels.

CC being home may make it easier to eat better. Not that MI is not home but it's vacation and somehow vacation=excess eating. Bet you are looking forward to AZ winter.

DD I hear you on staying close to some people while letting others go. Reunions are a good reminder.. I have gotten back in touch with a few people after our on line pre reunion activities. Hoping this school week goes well.

Stopped at the hippie grocery and was rewarded with poached salmon from the deli. I like fish but it's so much better if someone else fixes it. Got a few other things for dinners this week. Ran into a friend I had not seen in a few years. She is a former gallery member who travels the world teaching about montessori education. Anyway she said to me "I remember you - you are the artistic lawyer with a sense of humor". Yep thats me. At least she recognized me with shorter hair and 30 extra pounds.

Big experiment today: I made a Just crack an egg but put two eggs in it. Very filling and I have no interest in an afternoon snack.

Not much else. Bills to pay and papers to file (or maybe just toss).

Diane S

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on 9/24/23 3:27 pm

Those Just Crack an Egg cups are tasty. I have always thought it would be pretty easy to make those myself with a little ham, a sprinkle of veggies, a pinch of cheese and the egg. But that's multiple things to keep on hand hence the JCaE is easier.

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/25/23 5:19 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

I have to look them up: I never heard of them.
