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Thursday, September 21, 2023

on 9/21/23 8:40 am, edited 9/21/23 8:53 am

Good morning! How rare that I start the thread, especially on a school day! I have band supervision today, so I have a free moment to post.

All is well on the food front. Weight is stable, but I have made no real effort to work on a reducing form of eating. I figure that maintaining for me is a win. I am working on not feeling "guilty" for maintaining, rather than losing. I think we are a group that somehow has come to believe that unless we are losing, we are not doing all we should about our weight. Well, I certainly still have those tapes running in the background.

Ron had an annual with our PCP. No surprise he has slacked on getting things done. Doctor gave him a list!

I have mastered my latest workout challenge.... Bosu ball squats.... But instead of standing on the bosu ball as meant, we turn it over so I'm standing on the base and the flexible, wobble side is on the floor. One of the best leg exercises I do! So much balance is involved all the little muscles get a workout, too!

Not much else from here. One more wee****il Dinah's ultra sound to find out if we are having babies. I sure hope so. It's been almost a year since we had the litter of 3 and I'd sure like to have little ones scurrying about. They will be the perfect age for pcitures with the Christmas tree! Fingers crossed for Puppy Kodak moments galore over the holidays!

on 9/21/23 8:42 am

She had her puppies last night!

on 9/21/23 8:54 am

Oh, which one will it be????? Can't wait to see your new little man!

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/21/23 10:00 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Love, love, love this! The pup is going to love his life with you (maybe he will scare the scorpions away LOL).

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/21/23 10:14 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

We are back on Cape Cod after visiting DH's family. Nice visit and the dogs got along great too. Justice who generally doesn't like to chew bones fell in love with one stuffed with peanut butter. He kept stealing it from Brandy the 40 pound bernadoodle.

My niece had her mastectomy yesterday and went home last night. All went well with the surgery. It amazes that it is done same-day now.

We leave in 90 minutes for my shoulder MRI. Not looking forward to it with my claustrophobia so I will take Valium before it. I hope the effects don't last too long this evening.

Saturday is my 50th high school class reunion. It was supposed to start as an afternoon picnic outside by a lake but it is going to rain all day. The evening is in an Amvets Hall with overflow in an outdoor tent. Thoughts of pouring rain and 50 degree weather is making me less than thrilled to go. I guess I will try to stay inside and visit with the people I know. I am staying overnight but will leave early on Sunday to get back to Cape Cod for last day preparations for Florida.

Lots to do with some of it anxiety producing. Time to get ready for the test. Have a thoughtful Thursday.

on 9/21/23 10:21 am

I hope the MRI is over quickly for you!

on 9/21/23 11:03 am - Liverpool, NY
VSG on 05/27/15

CC, one of those snuggly babies is yours !! Ready for home just after Thanksgiving ? Peps, I continue to be awed by your physicality ! Liz, have fun at your reunion. We're having torrential rain here too. DD (and Peps) my heart goes out to you ! SPED parents, students, and policies can drain you. Keep finding your happy places. Diane S., when we have our TT gathering, I'd love to watch you play scrabble. You sound like a beast !

Sadie has had a growth on her upper eyelid for almost a year. They are very common in labs and they said not to worry about it unless it grew or bothered her. In the last six weeks, it has doubled in size and is impacting her vision. Additionally, she has another smaller one on the upper lid and one small one on her lower lid. She is having surgery to remove all three Monday, as well as a super duper teeth cleaning when she's already under anesthesia. They'll do pathology but these growths are rarely cancerous.

My detox from sugar and carbs is going well. The keto diet is making me feel so much better better emotionally and physically. I am over half way to my goal, and may elect to maintain dirty keto eating and stop the Wegovy. Side effects from carbs are much worse than those from Wegovy.

Age: 64; 5' 5"; High weight: 345; Start weight: 271 (01/05/15); Surgery weight: 218 (05/27/15); Pre-Op (-53); M 1 (-18); M 2 (-1.5); M 3 (-13.5 ); M 4 (-13); M 5 (- 8); M 6 (-12) M 7 (-5, Xmas); M 8 (- 9) Under surgeon's goal and REACHED HEALTHY BMI 12/07/15!! (Six months and one week.) AT GOAL month 8. Maintaining at goal range (139- 144) ~ four (4) years !!

on 9/21/23 12:59 pm

Yes on the puppy! I suppose they'll be 8 weeks a couple of days before Thanksgiving!

Fergie had a few of those eyelid growths too. One was scratching his cornea so I did the same as you - had them removed and his teeth cleaned at the same time.

I also feel better on keto. But the momentary satisfaction of carbs is hard to resist even though it makes me gain weight and feel tired!

on 9/21/23 3:25 pm
VSG on 06/13/12

Puppy news all around!! A new pup for CC, hopefully pups for Peps (pups for Peps, could be a great title for a children's book) and hopefully good news for the older pup Sadie.

Another balmy day ~ 83 degrees. DH is out tonight, so I stopped at Wendy's to get some chili to eat on the porch. A few things that interfered with my perfect enjoyment: they put cheese and onions in my chili, which I declined (maybe they heard thanks when I said no thanks). Did not care for all the cheese. (Did I really say that?) And lordy the bugs! There are these horrible beetles (I think sometimes called stink bugs) that are new to Minnesota in the last few years. I have to check my chair cushions now, and shoo them off. Another surprise, when I moved the cushion, A frog :) Frog was cute, bugs grotesque.

The days are long, but the weeks are moving at a good clip. I can't believe its Friday again. I'll make it to retirement yet!

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/22/23 3:56 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Enjoy the time with kids (if not administrators). You will be amazed at how fast retirement comes.
