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Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/20/23 4:44 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Welcome home CC! I hope you get rested and everything is in order.

I scored for $30 in getting stuff for my MRI. I got really comfy soft leggings and a sports bra which actually is kind of comfortable. So I will definitely use them again.

Today I have a phone meeting with my financial advisor. I don't know why I always get nervous about these. I guess I am always afraid I will be told I am going to run out of funds. Maybe it stems from those few years when late DH was going downhill and I knew he would have to go into care at a huge cost. I really hate having to be on top of this stuff. After that we are driving to DH's DD/SIL (is that a son-in-law?) for dinner and staying over. Justice will come and have to deal with their bernadoodle. She was a wild little puppy and annoyed the heck out of him (he was constantly correcting with growls and nips). She still starts a little wild but calms down fairly quickly and needs his warnings for the most part.

We are in the homestretch leading up to Florida on Monday. Still lots of logistics to work though with 2 cars that need to be left at different houses on chargers for the winter. It will be the usual shock of going from Fall weather and early sunrises to steamy Florida weather with dark beginnings (sunrise is 45 minutes later in Florida).

Time to get changed into warmer clothing for the Justice beach walk. Have a wily Wednesday!

diane S.
on 9/20/23 12:20 pm

Greetings all

Oops I missed yesterday. It was a long day for me since I first went to scrabble (lost to the shark by just a few points). The funny part of the day was discussion of the word "entrails" and whether "entrail" is a word. It is not. Must have the s according to the official scrabble dictionary.

After scrabble I got a cheeseburger but could only eat half. It was good and convenient. Then on to the studio to do some glazing and other chores. Home after that but I had to put together a rudimentary financial report and then go on to a gallery membership meeting at 5:30. I was really tempted to ditch but I knew it would be a short one and our other finance person is out of town. Anyway little miss nit picker only brought up one item to complain about in the minutes and it was so stupid it was not worth arguing about. There are a couple of new members who seem nice but one is unable to work the square sales device. Oh well. So after all that and picking up mail I made it home on the late side and did not get to the computer.

CC so glad you are home safe. Hope the Utah parts were interesting.

Liz glad the MRI is scheduled. I agree with you - better to go buy something than to drive hours to get clothes. Sports type bras are all I wear anymore even though I have big boobs and look like I was extruded into it. I wore underwires for 30 years with no issues but now its an absolute no go. Of course, here in hippie land hardly anyone wears a bra and there are lots of people who should.

DD I used to think offices were terrible places to get any work done for the same reasons you describe. Too many "drop ins". Waste of time.

Hope Justice gets along with the bernadoodle. Is it huge?

DH brought home a turkey wrap sandwich last night which was pretty good. It's two meals for us. We will have the rest of it tonight. Then the endless cycle of meal planning begins again. Hippie deli here we come.

cheers all. More later if anything interesting happens (don't hold your breath).

Diane S

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Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/21/23 9:26 am, edited 9/21/23 2:47 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Yeah I am always in search of the perfect underwire especially front close because of my shoulders. Sports bras aren't the easiest to get in and out of with my shoulders.

The bernadoodle is only about 40 pounds so not too big. She and Justice actually got along pretty well and he even acted playful with her for a bit.

on 9/20/23 2:35 pm
VSG on 06/13/12

Things are getting crazier at work, but this time not the students. We have 2 out of 7 teachers that may need to be on medical leaves, and one who already is. Aging staff, stuff happens. Hopefully the medical outcome is good for all 3 co-workers.

So warm here today. We had a fire drill the last hour, and I actually got hot standing in the sun with students, waiting for the all clear. 88 degrees on my car thermometer.

Scale still not moving. Nothing to do, but stay the course.

I need both to go to Florida, and have a hippie deli in the neighborhood. Since neither will be happening soon, I'll enjoy eating the bacon and eggs DH is preparing for dinner on the deck. Dining Al Fresco.

on 9/20/23 7:48 pm

Bacon and eggs is my idea of a perfect dinner.

It was an errand and cleaning day. The balloons were out en masse this morning. I cleaned toilets, vacuumed the whole house (you won't believe this, but vacuuming gave me a big blister on my thumb. Big house. Hands that rarely do manual labor. Bad combo), washed half the floors as I got sidetracked, changed hvac filters, set up my hummingbird feeder, got my car washed, went to the hardware store, refilled the water softener salt, made a hair appt, and went to Whole Foods in an attempt to improve my eating.

I got my last quarter's water bill. I had a sprinkler line break, then the repair let sediment in the line so the solenoid didn't close and it wasn't spotted for DAYS. I thought my 164,000 gallon bill was bad. This one was 206,000 gallons. Kill me now.

Scorpions are everywhere. 2 dead in the powder room (workers must have squished them. Kind since they left the door to the outside open for days). One live one on the screen porch. The bug guy comes tomorrow. I need him to douse my house.

The momma dog from the litter I have a deposit on is pregnant with roughly 10 puppies! Due this week. Here are the parents:

I think that's all I know for now! Hope you're well!

on 9/21/23 8:39 am

love those blocky heads!!!!!!!

diane S.
on 9/21/23 11:47 am

yep those are great golden blocky heads! Beautiful dogs. good job CC. ds

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Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/21/23 9:57 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

So exciting. The pup will be a beauty!
