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Saturday, September 16, 2023

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/16/23 5:05 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Happy Birthday Diane S!!! I hope you enjoy your birthday meal!

Well the storm was kind of a dud here as seems to often be the case when the media whips everyone into a frenzy. Though we could have stayed at DH's home, we did drive to mine in case power went out. Nope - very few power outages on Cape Cod and the wind is already dying down at 8 am this morning. It was more windy last night. Justice still wasn't happy with the wind but at least he did do his business outside.

Coming here actually was beneficial: We got all the outside furniture stowed for the winter, we went out with friends we were trying to connect with before we leave for Florida, and I can do most of my packing for Florida today. I already bought food for tonight which we will likely bring back with us to DH's home this afternoon.

The doctor's office never called or sent a note yesterday despite the fact that in the last 2 days I left a voice message (couldn't get through), and sent 2 written messages imploring them to update me on the status. There is a disturbing status showing in their portal on the referral for the MRI saying "authorization not required", but the MRI place won't do it without that. I am fed up with it and anticipate that I will get some call saying it can be scheduled in Massachusetts in October at which point I will have to start all over and try to move it to a Florida facility. Sigh.

Not a lot to eat last night as my tummy felt too full for some reason. No complaint about that.

Time to start organizing for the Florida packing. I have already updated my packing list ****ep all prior packing lists in the Notes app on my iPhone/iPad and update the appropriate one as needed for most trips).

Have a safe Saturday!

on 9/16/23 9:08 am

Honestly, if they schedule the MRI for October, I'd just fly to Mass. for the appt. and just get it over with. I think that's part of the inconvenience of being a snow bird.

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/16/23 9:52 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

I'm already flying back at the end of October for a wedding, then at the beginning of December to consult with the surgeon. If worse comes to worse, the surgeon's office said I could have it that day (in December) but having it ahead would expedite the appointment so I wouldn't have to stay in Boston as long.

on 9/16/23 9:16 am

Happy Birthday, Diane S!!!!!!!!!

Hey, I get a leisurely dog show morning for a change! Don't show until almost 2 pm today. It's also a 'commuter show', so back and forth. It makes for a different dog show weekend. A little more relaxing, even with the driving.

Food was fine yesterday. Water still needs improvement.

Like most of you, I understand the influences in my childhood that triggered my eating disorder. Unpacking them has helped me accept the eating disorder and be kinder to myself. The big thing for me is that continued work on the eating disorder front is helping me very, very, very gradually be able to change some of the eating behaviors and how to deal with the triggers so they don't spark old eating reactions.

It is overcast and a bit cool this morning. Quite nice actually.

Time to get some coffee and slowly gear up for the day!

on 9/16/23 4:48 pm
VSG on 06/13/12

Good news that the storm didn't match the hype! Aussie nephew is flying out of NYC tomorrow morning, so hopefully the less than storm won't have snarled up air traffic.

My Big Fat Greek Wedding was really bad! The cinematography saved it from being a complete bust, because of course, Greece is breathtaking. But the dialogue was so stilted. There were a few good jokes, but not many. Probably better watched on Netflix.

Good luck at this weekend's dog show adventure Peps!

Happy Birthday to you Diane. Since the fog messed with your plans, I hope alternate plans were fun. When I graduated from college, my parents hosted a family party in Duluth, since that's where most of them lived. It was in restaurant called Cloud 9, on a cliff overlooking Duluth's Harbor on Lake Superior. Total fog out, as happens in Duluth. It's like a mini San Francisco. One of Uncle's kept telling me, nice curtains they have here. :)

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/17/23 5:40 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

We watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 on Netflix last night! It was entertaining.

diane S.
on 9/16/23 10:36 pm

Greetings all

late check in on the iPad. We went to the moonstone anyway even though there was fog. But fog was high enough so we still had a great beach view. There is a small river that drains into the ocean and sea stacks. Lovely. There were surfers to watch and four or five dogs having the time of their lives. Made me think of when I took previous dogs to the beach because they would come when called. The two we have now are too wild to let loose. We have nice long uncrowded beaches and dogs are welcome. Fun to watch various retrievers. I need to get our current dogs there. I know this one easy and seldom used beach by the boat launch. May try that.took old chip there a couple years ago and wish I had done more.

the restaurant has really upped their menu. Yhey have a long list of small plates. I has crab cakes with fancy sauces and herbs. Brought most of it home. DH had salmon won tons with several sauces. It was great. If anyone ever wants to come here we will go to moonstone

liz glad the storm was a dud. Looked scary,peps hope you had a good show and another tomorrow

dd hope your weekend fun continues. Fog or no fog

mote tomorrow when I can type. Diane s


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