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Wednesday, September 6, 2023

on 9/6/23 10:05 am

It's humid enough to need gills here! Not much on the agenda here today. Wish I had more to report...

Food has been very carb heavy. I wish I could find the will to stop that.

Hope everyone is having a good day.

on 9/6/23 2:16 pm
VSG on 06/13/12

Hi everyone!

I wish I had something positive to say. I knew it was going to be a tough year with the increased workload. Last week as I read IEPs, it seemed like there would be big challenges. There are.

Not so humid here, it was 64 degrees when I left for work this morning, so hopefully the cooler, drier air is moving your way CC.

The scale continues to drop a fraction of a pound each day. Eventually those fractions turn into a whole pound gone, and then I start chipping away at another. The cost per pound would be astronomical if I was paying out of pocket....

I made a commitment with DH to return to the gym next week. It would probably do me a world of good to burn up some cortisol.

Is Liz in Rhode Island?

diane S.
on 9/6/23 4:22 pm

Greetings all

Celebrating DH birthday today. Had the house cleaned which the dogs love because they love the cleaner.

The lemon bars were a success. Gave some to the housekeeper.

Went shopping for a DH gift. He has everything already. Settled for a new hoodie, t shirt and a water bottle. Then I went up to the gallery to take some new stuff.

It's sunny and nice here. Not humid though we are considered a moist climate.

DD I am so proud of you and your wygovey experience. Proves there are always options. Wishing you cool weather.

I told DH he can watch whatever horrible movie he wants tonight. so I am preparing for some hideous sci fi. One night won't kill me.

My eating is all upside down. I don't feel hungry much in the morning but the later it gets, kitchen look out. I was thinking of buying some roasted chicken drum sticks at the deli so I could have a modest protein snack without any preparation. Might do this next time I can find them.

Cheers all. Diane S

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on 9/6/23 6:43 pm
VSG on 06/13/12

That's the thing with protein, not enough grab and go options ... Drumsticks (the poultry kind) sound like a good idea. I just had the ultimate grab and go protein snack: a glass of fairlife milk. Every so often that sounds yummy, who knows why one day to the next. I really like the Fairlife ready made protein drinks, but they are always sold out when I go to Costco.

diane S.
on 9/6/23 10:42 pm

Yea fairlife is best, I found them at Costco too. Not too many choices here, let's all share our protein ideas: like cfichen legs or sliced chicken. My goal is to find useful deli items rather than roast mt own chicken, I also used treat Costco beef strips are pretty good and I ate those for years. Dumb store did not have the milk Guess it's it's always a hassle. Ds

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Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/7/23 10:21 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

I'm like you - the later it gets the hungrier I feel.
